Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTC Institute) launches publication - “Flowing from Strength to Strength” on inspirational tales of union leadership
Although Singapore remains a vibrant and competitive economy against the global backdrop of youth unemployment, wage stagnation and unsustainable pension plans, our companies and workers continue to face challenges such as globalisation, a widening income gap, ageing workforce, and a tighter labour market together with increasingly conservative forecasts for the economy.
Against this backdrop of uncertainties, a strong and responsive Labour Movement (LM) is critical. The economic progress and industrial peace that Singapore has enjoyed over the past decades is testament to the effectiveness, strength and progressiveness of our unique tripartite framework. It is important that the LM continues to work together with the Government and companies to sustain low unemployment, high employment rates, and steady increase in real wages for workers.
The LM is making good inroads into increasing the size of our leadership pool, which has grown from about 5800 union leaders in 2009 to nearly 6200 in 2013. After the National Delegates Conference in 2011, 43 unions (72%) of our affiliated unions with 88% of the union leadership pool are committed to the practice of 3-Flow Model of leadership renewal and development. This progress is further energised by the support of the NTUC 50 Development Fund that was set up to grow and enhance Leadership and Membership initiatives in the Labour Movement. Already, 32 unions with 78% of our union leadership pool have applied for funding support to accelerate leadership development efforts.
Moving forward, NTUC and OTC Institute will organise more workshops and programmes for sharing of good practices to strengthen awareness and deepen understanding of requirements and benchmarks amongst union leaders.
OTC Institute launches “Flowing from Strength to Strength”
Today, at UNITE Leadership Summit 2013, an electronic book “Flowing from Strength to Strength” with a foreword by NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say will be launched. Recognising that effective tripartism and union leadership must recharge and renew in order to continue making a difference to workers, OTC Institute has started preparations since 2012 to chronicle stories of valuable institutional knowledge and experiences from 12 union leaders as well as their efforts to drive and ensure effective leadership renewal and development.
Moving forward, OTC Institute will continue to gather, refresh and publish new stories from more union leaders for collective learning and to inspire others to follow their lead. The book will be available for public access at from Saturday, 19 October 2013.
To ensure sustainable and dedicated leadership, the LM has put in place a 3-Flow Model of leadership renewal and development, namely “Flow In”, “Flow Up”, and “Flow On”. Union delegates have been strongly supportive of these initiatives to affirm the importance of sturdy and dynamic leadership for the future.
Today, 10 veteran union leaders will be honoured at the UNITE Leadership Summit 2013 hosted by National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) President Diana Chia and Secretary-General Lim Swee Say with over 500 members of the LM fraternity. These respected leaders have worked tirelessly with passion and dedication towards the betterment of their fellow workers, and ensured that worthy successors will continue their good work.
NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Heng Chee How highlighted, “The economic environment has become ever more complex and testy. Globalisation, technology change, rising aspirations, a more diverse, cross-cultural and multi-generational workforce are key driving forces. The challenges of today and tomorrow will be no less than those of yesterday. It is precisely because of this that the LM emphasises the need for a strong sustained pipeline of leaders, well equipped for continued good and principled service amidst changing circumstances."