Model ID: e31b4f62-e40d-4019-b80e-8f48b4b4358e Sitecore Context Id: e31b4f62-e40d-4019-b80e-8f48b4b4358e;

Speech by President of the National Taxi Association (NTA), Wee Boon Kim, at the NTA Inauguration

Orchid Country Club, Grand Ballroom
Model ID: e31b4f62-e40d-4019-b80e-8f48b4b4358e Sitecore Context Id: e31b4f62-e40d-4019-b80e-8f48b4b4358e;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: e31b4f62-e40d-4019-b80e-8f48b4b4358e Sitecore Context Id: e31b4f62-e40d-4019-b80e-8f48b4b4358e;

Good Morning Brother LIm Swee Say, Secretary General of the NTUC

Brother Heng Chee How, DSG, NTUC

Brother Seng Han Thong, Advisor to Taxi Associations

Brother Kua Hong Pak, Group MD for ComfortDelgro Corporation

NTUC Central Committee Members

Distinguished Guests

Brothers and Sisters

Ladies and Gentlemen

On behalf of the EXCO of National Taxi Association, we would like to thank all of you, in particular our Guest-of-Honour, Brother Lim for joining us this morning to witness our inauguration.

We hope you have enjoyed the presentation of our short history and milestones. Well, we not only fully support Brother Lim Swee Say’s call to be "Cheaper, Better and Faster" in whatever things we do, we also make it work. 

The presentation you saw earlier was developed fully in-house with our very own "calefare" actors and actresses, amateur cameramen, director and reporters. We apologise for the not so professional sound quality and images!

In case you have not noticed, the 2 emcees are also our own cabbies, Patrick and Annie. I know they have been nervous for many days and could not sleep well. After all, we are good at roads, but not so good at words. So please give them a round of applause! In particular, Annie, our female Cabby, who drives the Black Chrysler taxi. 

Even the new NTA logo that we will be unveiling later is designed by another of our very own Lady Cabby. She has been very patient with us for changing the logo design so many times despite her own busy schedule. I believe she is here today. Calen, could you please stand up.

There are still many of my brothers and sisters who are helping out in many different areas to ensure that this morning’s ceremony is organised successfully with minimum cost but maximum impact!

Thank you all for your hard work and support!

Finally of course, we must thank our Advisor, Brother Seng Han Thong for his good and sound advice. Thank you Brother Seng!
