Model ID: 68d53bad-cd63-4fc7-ade1-9db4cd1fc497 Sitecore Context Id: 68d53bad-cd63-4fc7-ade1-9db4cd1fc497;

Speech by Mr Zainudin Nordin, NTUC UCCW Director

For a Better Future' Roadshow 2011, 15 April 2011 Friday, 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm, at Bishan Active Park
Model ID: 68d53bad-cd63-4fc7-ade1-9db4cd1fc497 Sitecore Context Id: 68d53bad-cd63-4fc7-ade1-9db4cd1fc497;
15 Apr 2011
Model ID: 68d53bad-cd63-4fc7-ade1-9db4cd1fc497 Sitecore Context Id: 68d53bad-cd63-4fc7-ade1-9db4cd1fc497;

Distinguished Guests,
Tripartite Partners,
Grassroots Leaders,
Brothers and Sisters,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Boys and Girls,
A very good evening to all of you.

Thank you for making time and effort to join us for UCCW’s first ever, “For a Better Future” Roadshow.

In 2010, Singapore’s economy performed exceptionally well with GDP growth of 14.5% compared to two weak years, 2008 and 2009, where GDP growth was close to zero. In addition, unemployment rate is down from levels seen in early 2008, before the crisis. We can be proud that we have recovered faster than other economies. Moving forward, our key strategy is to help low-wage contract and casual workers, stage-by stage, to be part of the inclusive growth through our EXCELLENCE (4E) Framework:
1) Engage Workers know about UCCW and where to seek help.
2) Educate Workers understand the importance of Workfare and take advantage of WIS.
3) Enhance Workers benefit from WTS to upgrade skills and enhance productivity.
4) Excel Workers be part of the inclusive growth and receive better pay.

In this respect, UCCW aims to engage and educate 18,000 workers this year through our seminars, events, roadshows and companies. Furthermore, we aim to enhance and excel 2000 workers for training by referring them to Workfare Training Support Scheme (WTS) and Workfare Skills-Up (WSU) that enable workers to continue with WSQ qualified courses. Hence, each and every program conducted by UCCW is based on the EXCELLENCE (4E) Framework. However, the programs conducted by UCCW require the support of both the tripartite and corporate partners. 

We collaborate with unions, associations and grassroots to engage service buyers and providers.We worked together to not only increase the quality and performance standards in the respective industries, but also to upgrade and up–skill the workers. With better skills, workers are able to get better jobs and better pay. UCCW will continue to champion the best sourcing initiative (BSI)as the benefits, we believe, will trickle down from the company to the very workers that UCCW aims to enhance and excel. Therefore, this is a win-win-win situation for service buyers, service providers as well as workers.

We are also working closely with the government and we are convinced that Workfare is the best way to help our workers, it is an uniquely Singapore way and definitely a holistic approach to encourage low wage workers to continue working and persist in training for better skills. UCCW has been actively advocating these two schemes and will step up our efforts in this year.

Firstly, Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) encourages low wage workers to stay employed and build up their saving. It is tied to CPF system and reward low wage workers by supplementing their income. For example, a 60 year old worker with a monthly pay of $1000 will receive $2800 full year WIS payment ($800 in cash, $2000 to CPF).

UCCW has been working closely with Central Provident Fund Board to get more low-wage workers on board the WIS. With a few simple steps, you can receive your WIS. If you’re self-employed, simply declare your income to CPF Board and make Medisave contribution at any Singapore Post branch. If you are an employee, no action is required from you as long as you and your employer both contribute to your CPF and the government will automatically credit your WIS into your account.

In addition, the government has announced recently a one-off Workfare Special Bonus (WSB) over and above the regular WIS payment. This is to ensure that low-wage workers also benefit from an inclusive economic growth, and particularly in view of the strong economic performance in 2010. The WSB will reward workers for work done in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and will be given out in four equal payments. The WSB will amount to an additional one year’s worth of WIS payments, spread over three years. As with WIS, older workers will receive higher WSB amounts compared to younger workers. The payments will be made fully in cash, up to $2800 WSB, for employees. Those who are self-employed can receive up to $1,868 WSB but the payments will be made half in cash and half into CPF-Medisave account.

Secondly, Workfare Training Scheme (WTS) encourages low wage workers to embark on training, so that they can improve their skills and take on more productive and better-paying roles. WTS is for Singapore citizen aged 35 years old and above, and who are earning up to $1,700 per month. 

Under WTS, low-wage workers will enjoy highly subsidised training with incentives such as Training Commitment Award, millstone awards and training allowances for those willing to upskill and multi-skill themselves. And we believe this is an important to enhance the lives of our low wage workers, as training will not only will improve their ability to take on high-skilled and better paying jobs but also to better prepare themselves for the next lap of economic growth.

Fair employment terms
Besides WIS and WTS, we also want to ensure our workers are given fair employment terms. UCCW advocates for fair and good employment practices by encouraging responsible and best outsourcing. At the same time, we also provide advice on employment rights and other work related issues. We would like to encourage workers to consult us if they have any doubts on their employment terms such as CPF contribution, annual leave calculation and OT pay. This is done to ensure that workers have fair employment terms on top of benefiting from the government schemes available to them.

Centre for Contract & Casual Workers
To better serve our workers, NTUC has setup a centre specially for the low wage contract and casual workers. You can visit us at our new Centre for Contract and Casual Workers which is a one-stop service centre for contract and casual workersto seek advices on employment rights, work-related issues and for training & even job placement. We are currently located at NTUC’s e2i at Redhill Road.

We are also honoured to have our tripartite partners to be with us here today and setup information booths to share with us the various programmes that are available to workers such as skills enhancement programmes and children’s educational programmes as well as the numerous government schemes.

Once again, I would like to thank our tripartite partners and workers and hope that you would continue to render us your greatest support for the years ahead. Thank you.
