Model ID: 305683b6-ea80-4c84-93bb-26db81160c8d Sitecore Context Id: 305683b6-ea80-4c84-93bb-26db81160c8d;

Speech by Mr Zainudin Nordin, Director, NTUC Care & Share, Gotong Royong Project

Visit to Pertapis Childrens Home on 18 March 2011
Model ID: 305683b6-ea80-4c84-93bb-26db81160c8d Sitecore Context Id: 305683b6-ea80-4c84-93bb-26db81160c8d;
18 Mar 2011
Model ID: 305683b6-ea80-4c84-93bb-26db81160c8d Sitecore Context Id: 305683b6-ea80-4c84-93bb-26db81160c8d;

18 March 2011


  1. Mr Hussaini Abdullah, President of Pertapis
  2. Members of the Pertapis Executive Committee
  3. Mdm Haloyah Atan, Administrator of Pertapis Children’s Home
  4. Bro Cyrille Tan, Chairman of Care & Share Committee
  5. Bro Fang Chin Poh, Vice-Chairman of Care & Share Committee and Chairman, Gotong Royong Organising Committee
  6. Friends from the media
  7. Care & Share Committee Members, Brothers & Sisters
  8. Ladies and gentlemen
  9. Boys and girls

A very good afternoon to you.

1.      The Most Caring Labour Movement

1.1    As a Caring Labour Movement, we strive to help improve the lives of our workers and members, so that they could earn a better living, and lead better lives.

1.2    In particular, we make a concerted effort to help those who are from low-income families as we believe that no one should be left behind because of their financial circumstances.

1.3    Therefore, in 2009, the Labour Movement set up the U Care Fund which provides assistance to low-income members to help them defray their cost of living, as well as to support the education needs of our members’ children, in addition to helping the elderly in our community.

1.4    Our ethos of Do Good, Do Well, Do Together and Do More is something we hold true to our heart.


2.      U Care Fund’s 2011 Fundraising Target

2.1       This year, we are witnessing a robust growth in our economy.  Many of our workers are earning better wages. But, the concern is the rising cost of living.

2.2       To continue our efforts to help our low-income families, the U Care Fund has set a fundraising target of $10 million dollars this year.

2.3       This will go towards our core programmes such as U Stretch vouchers, Back to School vouchers, bursaries and scholarships, as well as our contributions to Bright Horizons Fund and Eldercare Trust.

3.      U Care 50

3.1       Today, we have some 600,000 members and growing.  We provide many benefits and privileges to our members in the areas of Work, Live and Play.

3.2       And, as a Labour Movement that cares, we also reach out to our community, especially the underprivileged in our society. Our brothers and sisters in our affiliated unions and association have been doing community outreach over the years, going beyond just helping our workers and our members.

3.3       We are happy to be here today as one Care & Share Committee which comprises leaders and officials of our affiliated unions and association, together with staff members of the NTUC Care & Share Department.

3.4       As NTUC celebrates our 50th Anniversary this year, we would like to take this opportunity to share the behind-the-scene work of our unions and association in helping the less fortunate in the community.  Their outreach efforts, such as visits to welfare homes, donating of items, bringing the residents of the home out for excursion among others, are usually carried out without much fanfare.

3.5       We know that they would continue doing their community service projects quietly, but we felt that it would be good to highlight their efforts as a way to encourage more people to come forward to Do Good and Do Together.  This is why we are announcing a year-long initiative “U Care 50” to demonstrate the Labour Movement’s CSR efforts, with partial funding support from the U Care Fund.  This is the Caring and Sharing Spirit that we would like to foster.

4.      Visit to Pertapis Children’s Home

4.1       As a Care & Share Committee, we come together to do a Gotong Royong project every year, to bring cheer to the less privileged.  I am heartened to know that many of our committee members have made special arrangements to take time out from their workplace to be here today.

4.2       The Pertapis Children’s Home, a gazetted home by MCYS for children protected under the Children and Young Persons Act, houses some 70 children.  The home has done a great job in providing the much needed care and concern for these children.

4.3       We have chosen to visit the Pertapis Children’s Home as we believe in the good work of the home and would like to show our support.

4.4       We hope that our presence today will bring much cheer to the children and in our own small way, show them that there are warmth and kindness in our society.

4.5       We are also pleased to present daily necessities such as bed sheets, pillows, track pants, shower foam, shampoo, food and beverage for the home, as well as stationery items for the children.

4.6       Collectively, NTUC and 27 of our affiliated unions are donating $12,500 worth of these items to Pertapis Children’s Home.

4.7       Besides providing the home with these basic essentials, we would like to see how we could help the children build up their confidence through self-expression.  Also to encourage their creativity, we are pleased to present a “U Care Expression Board” that comes complete with writing materials so that the children could pen their thoughts or draw to express their inner thoughts.

4.8       And to provide some light entertainment, one of our activists from our youth community, nEbO will be performing for us later.

 5.     Conclusion

5.1    We would not be able to do all these without the strong support of our unions and committee members.  I would like to thank the Care & Share Gotong Royong Organising Committee, chaired by Brother Fang Chin Poh for helping to organise this meaningful project.

5.2    Also thanks to our Committee Chairman, Brother Cyrille Tan and all Care & Share Committee members for coming together today for a good cause.

5.3    Finally, I would like to thank all the unions who have kindly donated the funds which have helped us to Do More for the Pertapis Children’s Home.

5.4    With that, I wish you all a pleasant afternoon.
