Model ID: 7ad7254c-3827-4e1a-96be-29f7e3ae0748 Sitecore Context Id: 7ad7254c-3827-4e1a-96be-29f7e3ae0748;

Speech by Mr Zainal Sapari, NTUC Assistant Secretary-General and Director, NTUC Care and Share Department

On a more serious note, the Labour Movement started the NTUC-U Care Fund with one clear mission. And that is to help improve the lives of our low-income union members and their families; supports needy children and youth in their pursuit of excellence.
Model ID: 7ad7254c-3827-4e1a-96be-29f7e3ae0748 Sitecore Context Id: 7ad7254c-3827-4e1a-96be-29f7e3ae0748;
12 Nov 2014
Model ID: 7ad7254c-3827-4e1a-96be-29f7e3ae0748 Sitecore Context Id: 7ad7254c-3827-4e1a-96be-29f7e3ae0748;

Good evening.  I hope you had enjoyed the video and the stories in the U Care “Making a Difference Book”.  I am glad to see the beneficiaries featured in the video here tonight, let us thank them for sharing their personal stories and for joining us on this joyous occasion.


  • Our Special Guests, NTUC President, Sister Diana Chia and NTUC Secretary-General, Brother Lim Swee Say
  • President Emeritus, Brother John de Payva
  • Members of the NTUC Central Committee
  • Chairman Brother David Wong and Members of NTUC-U Care Fund Board of Trustees
  • CEOs of NTUC Social Enterprises
  • Advisors, Chairman, Co-Chairman, Vice-Chairs and Members of NTUC Care and Share Committee
  • Valued Donors and Supporters of NTUC-U Care Fund
  • Friends from the media
  • Sisters and Brothers, Ladies and Gentlemen

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the U Care Charity Dinner 2014!

Tonight marks a very special occasion for the NTUC-U Care Fund.  Five years ago, the NTUC-U Care Fund was born on 1 November 2009.  Five years on, I am glad to say the U Care Fund has grown to be an active and healthy “toddler”.

In order to grow to be an “adult”, we still have a long journey ahead of us.  I hope each one of you here will continue to support and nourish us so that we can continue to grow healthily and happily.

On a more serious note, the Labour Movement started the NTUC-U Care Fund with one clear mission.  And that is to help improve the lives of our low-income union members and their families; supports needy children and youth in their pursuit of excellence; and provides assistance to the elderly in a meaningful way.  Our vision is to be a trusted and caring Labour Movement that makes a difference and touches lives.

As a registered charity and an Institution of a Public Character, we are committed to living up to our mission, every single day.  Tonight, as we celebrate our 5th anniversary, I would like to take this opportunity to thank 5 Groups of People who had journeyed with us these past 5 years.

Group 1 – Our Affiliated Unions and Association

First and foremost, for the first group, I would like to thank our sisters and brothers from all our 61 affiliated unions and association for being with us since our infancy, and staying the course with us every step of the way.  Their show of solidarity is something we are truly grateful for.

I would like to say a special thank you to some of them who not only get their union to donate, but also make an extra effort to garner support from their management and members.   Thank you to Brother Nachiappan of UPAGE for getting many of your branches to donate to us.  Also, thank you to Sister Charlene of RLEU who goes the extra mile to get your HQ in USA to match your union’s donation to us.  Thank you very much!

My appreciation also goes to the 27 unions and association for increasing your donations this year.  I am happy to share that collectively, the total contributions from all our 61 unions and association saw an increase of 35% from last year, clearly a sign of their commitment to helping our low-income members and their families.  Thank you very much!

Group 2 – Our NTUC Social Enterprises

The second group of people I would like to thank is our NTUC Social Enterprises.  Without fail, they would support us year after year.  I would like to make special mention of a few of them here.

NTUC Club has been our staunch supporter over the years and their generous sponsorship of the Family Recreation & Fun Carnivals, six times a year, brings great joy to our lower-income members and their families, allowing them to have great family bonding time at Downtown East, all at no cost.  Thank you Brother Khee Leng and NTUC Club!

NTUC FairPrice Foundation is another big brother we have in the Labour Movement.  At our charity golf fundraiser held in May, FairPrice Foundation donated $1 million to help us kick-start our year’s fundraising efforts.  And through its “Breadwinners – We Care, U Care” campaign held in August, I am pleased to share that FairPrice Foundation will be making another donation towards the NTUC-U Care Fund.  Thank you Brother Kian Chew and NTUC FairPrice Foundation!

And not forgetting NTUC Income, NTUC Choice Homes, and our other NTUC Social Enterprises.  Your steadfast support over the years is what really keeps us going.  Many of you have also helped us garnered the support of your associates and several companies had heeded your call.  

In fact, we are proud to say that we have 25 first-time donors pledging their support to us this year, of which 14 of them learnt about us with the help of our NTUC Social Enterprises.  Thank you very much!

Group 3 – Our Tripartite & Management Partners and Corporate Donors

Since the U Care Fund’s inception, our largest donor by all measure has to be the Singapore Labour Foundation.  Without their commitment to support us every year, we wouldn’t be what we are today.  Thank you SLF!

We are also very fortunate to have many regular donors who continue to place their trust in us.  To our tripartite and management partners, as well as our corporate and individual donors, your unwavering support and belief in us are deeply appreciated.  We will certainly come knocking on your doors year after year.  You won’t have to wait too long to hear from me again.  Trust me!

And in case you had lost count; that was the third group of people whom I wish to thank.

Group 4 – Our U Care Ambassadors

Now, the fourth group of people whom I would like to thank is those who I call the “U Care Ambassadors”.

They are the everyday heroes who work behind the scene, away from the limelight, working tirelessly, all for one common purpose.

I want to place on record my thanks to the many sisters and brothers from our Care & Share Committee, past and present, who are always ready to provide assistance to our low-income members.  And also to those of you who put up the wonderful opening performance as well as all who are helping out tonight.  Thank you also to our advisors Brother N Silva and Brother Fang Chin Poh, our Chairman Brother Andy Lim, Co-Chairman Brother Yeo Chun Fing, Vice-Chairs Sister Jasmine Yeo and Brother Palanisamy.  Your dedication in serving with a caring heart, always looking out for the interests of our members is something we truly admire.  I salute all of you!

Our thanks also go to all the union administrators, IROs and union staffs who are the front-liners to help our members with the various assistance programmes.  Your job may be thankless, but we want to tell you that you are making a positive difference and touching many lives.  Thank you for all your hard work!

Group 5 – Our Board of Trustees

And finally, the last but not the least, the fifth group of people whom I would like to say a big thank you is our Chairman and Members of the U Care Fund Board of Trustees.

Thank you for your invaluable advice and guidance in the stewardship of the NTUC-U Care Fund for the past five years.  You gave your time and efforts so readily and we are indeed grateful for your pro-bono service.  Thank you very much to Chairman, Brother David Wong and members of the Board.


In closing, let me also thank our Special Guests President Diana and Sec-Gen Brother Lim for gracing this special occasion and for your encouragement and affirmation.  Also, many thanks to my fellow colleagues in NTUC ARU for being there for us whenever we needed you.

And as you had heard from our opening performance, each one of you is truly One in a Million!  We wouldn’t be able to Do Good and Do More without your generosity and strong support.  On behalf of all our beneficiaries, thank you very much for showing U Care!

Let us continue to Make a Difference and Touching Lives!

Thank you once again and I wish you a pleasant evening ahead.

~ End ~
