1 Good afternoon. Today, I feel honored to celebrate our nation’s 46th birthday as one tripartite sector. I am sure our 7 Financial Services Cluster unions feel the same way too.
2 Please allow me to first thank the UOB management for hosting this Observance Ceremony. This is a wonderful room that overlooks Singapore’s business hub where most of our financial institutions stand tall. Your kind hospitality is a clear example of strong bipartism at work.
3 Singapore is a successful global Financial Centre. We rank third behind London and New York according to the Global Financial Centre Index. With more than 600 financial institutions and over 126,000 workers, we collectively make up about 11% of Singapore’s GDP last year.
4 Our sector grew strongly through these years because we created a conducive environment for growth. These developments benefited many Singaporeans and their families. We are one model of how the labour movement’s pro-business, pro-worker strategy has worked well.
5 We are also grateful that Dr Tan takes time to be with us today, to observe the significance of National Day, and the importance of employers, Unions and Government working together, not without differences in opinion, but being able to compromise and resolve tough issues in a harmonious and constructive climate.
6 In closing, we must work through the uncertainties ahead, to build a better Singaporean future. So let us renew our commitment to strengthen tripartism – Together, for a stronger Financial Services Sector.
7 Thank you and Happy National Day!