Model ID: 127f792c-3315-4a0e-9886-b75d0cbd709d Sitecore Context Id: 127f792c-3315-4a0e-9886-b75d0cbd709d;

Speech by Mr Matthias Yao Chih, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General and Senior Minister Of State (Prime Minister's Office) at the Bursary Award Cum Public Transport Assistance (PASS) Vouchers Presentation Ceremony 2003 of NUH Employees' Union (NUHEU)

Speech by Mr Matthias Yao Chih, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General and Senior Minister Of State (Prime Minister's Office)
Model ID: 127f792c-3315-4a0e-9886-b75d0cbd709d Sitecore Context Id: 127f792c-3315-4a0e-9886-b75d0cbd709d;
By Speech Mr Matthias Yao Chih, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General and Senior Minister Of State (Prime Minister's Office) at the Bursary Award Cum Public Transport Assistance (PASS) Vouchers Presentation Ceremony 2003 of National University Hospital Employees' Union (NUHEU) at Kent Ridge Wing Auditorium, National University Hospital on Saturday, 6 Dec 03 at 10.45am  01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 127f792c-3315-4a0e-9886-b75d0cbd709d Sitecore Context Id: 127f792c-3315-4a0e-9886-b75d0cbd709d;

I am very happy to officiate at this bursary award and PASS presentation ceremony. NUHEU is an in-house union with a clear compassion for its members and fellow workers. For many years, the union leaders have worked hard to secure the best welfare for the employees of NUH, while working in partnership with management to solve problems that the hospital faces. The goodwill and rapport among management, union and staff is most commendable. 

The union also taps on its resources to give extra help to the union members who need it most. The bursary award is a good example of how the union extends assistance to give encouragement to the children of the members who have done well in school. A strong foundation in education is the best security for a successful future. The students who are receiving the awards today, as well as their parents, can feel justifiably proud of their achievements. I am sure they will also realise that this is but a beginning. There is a lifetime of learning ahead. Learning is a lifelong activity that has no end. Both as students and as adult workers, we must treasure the opportunities for learning, and constantly upgrade our skills and knowledge to meet the challenges that we face.

The distribution of the PASS vouchers is another commendable activity by the union. The 3% cut in employers' CPF contribution will cause some hardship to the workers with school going children. The PASS scheme aims to relieve the burden to these families by helping the students to pay part of the transport cost when they go to school. NUHEU's distribution of the vouchers is timely, as the vouchers will be very useful when school re-opens in less than a month's time.

Apart from the awards, NUHEU is active in promoting other activities and in enhancing communication with its members. It has recently launched a website. I would encourage all the members to take a look at the website regularly to check what the union is planning, so that they will not miss out on the new programmes.

This year end brings better cheer than the previous few years. The economy is picking up. The growth in the US, Japan, China and other parts of the world is strengthening. We can look forward to better times in the coming months.

But even as the economy recovers, it does not mean that we will return to the old jobs that were lost, and carry on as before. Let me give you some data on what is happening in the different industries.

Between 1998 and the 3rd quarter of this year, there was an increase of 72,000 jobs in the economy. That is not a large number; hence our unemployment has gone up.

Behind that number is a huge change that some of us may have noticed, but may not fully see the magnitude. During the same period between 1998 and 3rd Quarter 2003, the goods producing industries lost a total of 117,000 jobs. Construction suffered the most, losing 90,000 jobs. Elsewhere, electronics lost 39,000 jobs, electrical products lost 7,000 jobs, paper products and printing lost 6,000 jobs.

Many of the jobs lost will not return. They have gone to cheaper countries. The trend will continue. Workers in these industries that are producing low value-added products must watch for signs of their companies restructuring, upgrade to higher value products, or move out into growth areas.

Meanwhile, there was an increase in jobs in the service industries. Altogether, 190,000 jobs were created. Business services grew by 63,000 jobs, logistics and communication by 18,000 jobs, and finance by 11,000 jobs. Personal, health and social services, which healthcare workers are in, grew by 36,000 jobs. More jobs will be added in these areas in the coming years.

Those of us who have children in school should pay attention to these numbers. Parents should advise the students that these are the job market trends in the coming few years. Students should be aware of where the opportunities are, so that they can take full advantage of them.

Adult workers too should realize that the economy is changing around us. If we are in a vulnerable industry, we must be prepared to shift into an entirely new area of work. To stay still is to be left behind and never to catch up.

But those in growth areas cannot afford to relax. Their jobs are not guaranteed for life either. The growth industries are highly competitive. While the industries are growing, the individual workers must be able to meet the increasingly higher expectations of the customers and the market. Training and continuing skills upgrading is the key to future success in our jobs.

My message to students, parents, union leaders and workers is this: There is a big change going on in the economy. We are losing jobs in the manufacturing industries, and more will be lost even as new jobs are added. The growth is in the services. Be prepared to make a switch. Do not be afraid of the trend. Understand it, take advantage of it, and our workers will have a brighter tomorrow.
