Model ID: 0af1d277-fccf-4049-bb67-054064d2845c Sitecore Context Id: 0af1d277-fccf-4049-bb67-054064d2845c;

Speech by Mr Lim Boon Heng, NTUC Secretary-General and Minister (Prime Minister's Office) at the Launching Ceremony of the NTUC Charity Draw 2003

Speech by Mr Lim Boon Heng, NTUC Secretary-General and Minister (Prime Minister's Office) at the Launching Ceremony of the NTUC Charity Draw 2003, on 19 March 2003, Wednesday, 10AM, at Carlton Hotel
Model ID: 0af1d277-fccf-4049-bb67-054064d2845c Sitecore Context Id: 0af1d277-fccf-4049-bb67-054064d2845c;
By Speech Mr Lim Boon Heng, NTUC Secretary-General and Minister (Prime Minister's Office) at the Launching Ceremony of the NTUC Charity Draw 2003, on 19 March 2003, Wednesday, 10AM, at Carlton Hotel  25 Nov 2010
Model ID: 0af1d277-fccf-4049-bb67-054064d2845c Sitecore Context Id: 0af1d277-fccf-4049-bb67-054064d2845c;

Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen. 

I am pleased to be here with you this morning for the Launch of the NTUC Charity Draw 2003. 

The NTUC raises more than one million dollars annually towards charity, on top of the unions' contributions to various other causes on an ad hoc basis. Some of our past projects include raising money for a NKF Dialysis Centre, the Building Fund of Biz Link which is a job placement centre for the disabled, Childrens' charities and the NTUC Education and Training Fund.

This year, we aim to raise $800,000 for NTUC Eldercare Co-operative from the Charity Draw. NTUC Eldercare operates 2 social daycare centres for the elderly. The amount raised will help Eldercare provide affordable and quality services for the elderly, thus helping them to live an independent and fulfilling life.

Some may ask: Why organise a charity drive to ask for donations when everyone is hard hit? Yes, retrenchments are continuing, unemployment is expected to rise further, both economic climate and global stability are uncertain and people are tightening their belts. These bleak scenarios naturally do not encourage giving.

Giving during difficult times

During the good times, it is easy for us to give to those who are not doing so well and the less fortunate. However, it is difficult times like these, when we will find some people sacrificing more to give the needy. It is precisely during hard times like these, when sharing and giving to others become an even greater act of sacrifice which demonstrates the true meaning of giving.

The Ren Ci Charity Show 2 months ago raised more than doubled their target set. It was reported in the media that when Venerable Shi Ming Yi abseiled down the side of the 45-story Suntec City Tower Two, 150,000 calls were received with total pledges amounting to about $750,000. Many viewers were very touched and it prompted many callers to donate. But what was more significant about the event was that no lucky draw prizes were given and yet Singaporeans donated. It showed that we do have a community that cares even during the difficult times.

A caring labour movement

NTUC's key priorities this year are to save and create jobs, strengthen the harmonious industrial relations among the tripartite partners and provide opportunities for workers to upgrade their skills. We provide grants and assistance to union members and their families who need help. While these priorities are important, we want to be a caring labour movement with a social conscience. Other than helping union members, workers and their families, we must not slack in our efforts and commitment towards helping the others in the community.

The unions' support of this year's Charity Draw is both encouraging and motivating. I am very happy to hear that 30 of our affiliates: unions and associations have strongly supported this project. They have donated prizes in cash or kind. Such strong support demonstrates that we are a caring labour movement.

Further, I am heartened that despite that unions have to spend more time dealing with increasing numbers of bread-and-butter issues such as wage negotiation and workplace disputes, they remain firmly committed to charity projects to help the less fortunate.

We need to take our social role seriously, whether in good or difficult times. More people are harder hit during economic downturns, and hence we must do more. For example, unemployment hits the handicapped more severely than the rest of the workforce and so thus the elderly. As they grow old, they will need proper medical care, rehabilitation, homecare and sufficient nutrition. These are essential needs even if they cannot afford them. We must do what we can to help those in need.

Keep ablaze the spirit of caring and giving

As we gather here to launch the NTUC Charity Draw 2003 today, let us focus our minds in starting charity from home. As workers, we should also feel proud to play a part in building a cohesive and compassionate society. As we labour, we should share what we have with others. On this note, I would like to express my appreciation to the affiliates that have contributed towards the Charity Draw and I wish that we will continue to keep ablaze that spirit of caring and giving. Thank you.
