Model ID: fb64a136-f196-4790-8300-2dd657a051f0 Sitecore Context Id: fb64a136-f196-4790-8300-2dd657a051f0;

Speech by Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP for Jurong GRC on ILO

Speech by Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP for Jurong GRC on ILO
Model ID: fb64a136-f196-4790-8300-2dd657a051f0 Sitecore Context Id: fb64a136-f196-4790-8300-2dd657a051f0;
By Speech Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP for Jurong GRC on ILO  01 Nov 2010
Model ID: fb64a136-f196-4790-8300-2dd657a051f0 Sitecore Context Id: fb64a136-f196-4790-8300-2dd657a051f0;

Sir, let me first congratulate the MOM for being very forward looking in its approach towards the ratification of ILO conventions. Since 1965, Singapore had not ratified any conventions until a few years ago when it ratified convention 182 on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and subsequently convention 100 on Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value. This is indeed laudable as these are core ILO standards that are linked to issues of equality and protection of children against exploitation for profit considerations. 

Sir, as Singapore has already ratified convention 182 and also convention 5 which stipulates the minimum age before children can been allowed to work in an industry, it will, in my view be a natural progression for us to also consider ratifying Convention 138. All these three conventions deal with the elimination of child labour. Convention No 138, which we have not ratified, stipulates 15 years as the minimum age for work. Under our law, 14 years is the minimum age for work. Although there may be some concerns that if we ratify C138, we have to change our minimum age for work, this should not be a major obstacle as in Singapore it is rare to find young people below the age of 15 working as most are in school.

Sir, we can be proud of our labour standards as they are high. In this regard, we have much to gain by ratifying core ILO conventions wherever possible and thereby sending a clear signal that our employment practices are up to international standards. I would like to ask the Minister whether he will consider ratifying C138 and if so, what is the time frame?

Thank you.
