Model ID: 98ba8933-7793-495e-b14e-59714e21d04e Sitecore Context Id: 98ba8933-7793-495e-b14e-59714e21d04e;

Speech by Labour MP Yeo Guat Kwang, MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC, at Committee of Supply session 2013

As we aim to reduce our dependency of foreign manpower, we need to look for sustainable high quality workers. I believe that we need to secure migrant workers with the right technical skills, as well as the social adaptability.
Model ID: 98ba8933-7793-495e-b14e-59714e21d04e Sitecore Context Id: 98ba8933-7793-495e-b14e-59714e21d04e;
15 Mar 2013
Model ID: 98ba8933-7793-495e-b14e-59714e21d04e Sitecore Context Id: 98ba8933-7793-495e-b14e-59714e21d04e;

I reiterate my call to the Ministry to focus on quality, not quantity of our foreign workforce.

Quality Not Quantity

As we aim to reduce our dependency of foreign manpower, we need to look for sustainable high quality workers. I believe that we need to secure migrant workers with the right technical skills, as well as the social adaptability. As such, I would like to renew the call for MOM to seriously consider implementing skills certification and upgrading as a criterion for work pass renewal for foreign workers who are already here.

Value Every Worker

My key message to all employers is to value every worker – and treat all employees, locals and foreign, 
with the dignity and fairness they deserve.

Fairness in Recruitment

Employers need to play their part to ensure that the qualifications, training and skills required of local workers are the same as that required for foreign workers as well. I believe a better-skilled, better-qualified worker naturally translates to a more adaptable, more easily integrated and, more productive worker. The government as a tripartite social partner should also protect Singaporeans as they will not have to compete unfairly with “cut-priced” migrant workers.

Fair Treatment for all

Next, I wish to renew my call for more protection, particularly in the area of non-payment of salaries for all workers, locals and migrants. We should look into enhancing the recording of salaries, such as mandatory payslips or electronic payment. We also have to come down strongly on employers who do not pay their workers on time. We urge MOM to prosecute such employers to set a firm stance that such moves are unacceptable.

Many of distressed migrant workers are unwilling to come forward because they are afraid that they will be sent home after the case is resolved, and they will not have the opportunity to carry on working in Singapore. Recently, MWC has assisted some foreign workers, who were involved in salary arrears cases, in advocating, and they were granted for Change of Employer (COE) scheme on case by case basis. Such scheme currently is the practice for foreign domestic workers. I would like to again advocate that COE scheme be made accessible for all foreign workers.

The workers need a good place to rest. I would also like MOM to review the current supply and ensure that dormitory supply is adequate. The government also need look at provision of sanitary and hygienic environments and amenities within them. 

Addressing SME’s Concerns

I mentioned in my Budget speech that the approach taken by the many companies in CCI and IGP scheme like the Hans restaurant chain toward manpower issue are good examples. We need to get more employers in the services sector to do the same. However, as the management of the Han’s said: "While the measures were very effective, we also need to put in a lot of efforts."  The Government needs to help companies, particularly the SMEs to see the benefits of our schemes and make concrete move. I would like to urge MOM to consider granting short-term DRE flexibility to companies which have embarked on the relevant schemes with the NTUC, e2i, SPRING, STB and WDA.
