Today, the six Taxi Operators’ Associations affiliated to NTUC have come together to form the National Taxi Association (NTA). This means that any driver from any of the taxi companies can now join NTA directly. We are now bigger as We Are One.
We pledge to work closely with our strategic partners, the taxi companies, government agencies and business partners to ensure that our member will always be able to share the fruits of Singapore’s economic success, just like all other Singaporeans. At the same time, the taxi industry shall be better in its services, cheaper in operation and faster in responding to changes of the business environment.
Looking back, we have done well. Our membership has grown from an initial 150 in 1997 when the first TOA was formed, to now more than 10,100. Many committed leaders among our taxi drivers have emerged during the SARS crisis. We set up taxi task force and rallied behind taxi drivers to help regain public confidence and dID what was necessary to prevent the spread of the disease by conducting routine fever checks and the contact tracing system. Many more leaders emerged when we fought crises after crises during the financial and H1H1 crises.
We have been doing good. In 1998, TOA secured $67.8 million worth of diesel tax rebates for the Medisave accounts of drivers with the strong support from the taxi companies and the Government. This translates to $750 Medisave rebate yearly for each driver for five years amounting to $3,750 per driver. This is a unique case of Tripartism at work. Since 2005, TOA gave out more than $500,000 to help needy members and their families through various NTUC financial and vouchers schemes such as Back to School, U Stretch, Transport vouchers, recreation vouchers, etc.
Looking forward, we shall do together with our strategic partners to achieve better life for our members. The Government’s decision in 2005 to build the two integrated resorts is now greatly appreciated by most of our taxi drivers. The two IRs have now offered additional business opportunities and choices for our taxi drivers to ply their business besides Changi Airport and other attractions. In particular, taxi companies statistics over the last four months have shown a significant increase in the number of trips in and out of Sentosa, especially the Resorts World, by more than 100%. At the same time, the aggressive marketing strategies of various statutory boards have resulted in an increase in tourist arrivals and business has been brisk for most drivers. The Taxi Industry Tripartite Committee has been working closely to make it happen.
The TOAs had always collaborated closely with major event organisers so that we can do more for our members such as F1, the Air Show, and recently, the Youth Olympics Games (YOG), to explore new business opportunities through improving and regulating traffic flow and setting up additional strategic pick-up points for taxi services during such events.
Indeed, the NTA’s very first project is to support the YOG by placing mini flags on at least 10,000 taxis. This is possible only with the strong support from our strategic partners and members. The flags are sponsored by YOG and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS). It is the spirit of 4D – Do Well, Do Good, Do Together and Do More that spurs us to become better, faster, cheaper and bigger. And today, We Are One and we are Bigger.