Model ID: 66e2d946-a866-4607-8348-e35ea8d0d8f6
Sitecore Context Id: 66e2d946-a866-4607-8348-e35ea8d0d8f6;
Mr Speaker Sir, I would like to comment Mr Lawrence’s motion “securing Singaporeans’ jobs and livelihoods” and the “foreign talent policy”. This is so as it directly impacts workers who are at the heart of all we do in the Labour Movement. Acknowledging the role of foreign talents, I would rather focus my energy more on how to help our fellow workers to seize and secure the relevant good paying jobs from any big companies that comes to offer them. The Labour Movement believes that job is the best welfare and full employment is the best protection for our workers.
The Unions and labour movement are constantly looking at how to help workers achieve better employment and employability outcomes in the long run. Sir I had highlighted the importance of training and workforce transformation in my budget speech earlier this year and reiterated that upskilling is key to cultivating a strong Singaporean core during my speech on the 27th of July. I would once again like to call upon employers to be pro-active in equipping your workforce with relevant skills to meet the evolving needs of your industry now and the future. The Unions will work with you to rally the workforce, allay any fears of changes and provide constant ground up feedback.
Let me add that that when I mention workers or workforce, it also includes Professionals, Managers and Executives, in short, PMEs. Due to Covid and its impact on businesses, we see that mature PMEs, aged 40 and above are more disadvantaged due to their age and seniority. As much as we have debated and implemented policies and programmes to better support PMEs, there is still a need to protect our PMEs against egregious companies who exploit the system, treat workers unfairly. The Unions would not hesitate to deal with such companies to ensure PMEs receive fair hiring opportunities and are treated fairly when in employment.
On the broader topic of workplace discrimination, NTUC will work closely with tripartite partners in the Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness to improve workforce fairness. However, I am aware that not all workplace discrimination can be resolved through legislation. The Unions will continue to play an important role to work closely with employers to resolve workplace grievances.
Sir, if there is one thing that we do best here in Singapore, compared to any other countries in the world, that is Tripartism. It has remains to be our tried and tested formula to ensure social and economic stability and success. As such, NTUC and Unions look forward to working together with our Tripartite partners to tackle the next round of workforce challenges and build an inclusive workforce.
Sir, I am heartened with Minister Lawrence’s earlier sharing, and stand in support of the motion “securing Singaporeans’ jobs and livelihoods” not forgetting, also the importance of every FTA as we believe it will benefit Singapore and Singaporeans.
Thank you.