Model ID: 4eccfce2-cf22-497b-8b66-945c00f2776e
Sitecore Context Id: 4eccfce2-cf22-497b-8b66-945c00f2776e;
Mr Speaker, I would like to speak in support of the amendments to the Private Security Industry (Amendment) Bill.
The Labour Movement welcomes the key amendments which will enhance the protection of security officers, as well as the shift towards the industry-led accreditation of security consultants.
Equal Enhancing Protection for Security Officers
Mdm Deputy Speaker, in Malay please.
During COVID-19, many of our security officers have stepped up to take on more tasks to ensure our well-being, including temperature-taking, crowd-control, and the checking of safe entry. These steps have been essential in helping our community curb the spread of COVID-19. However, these additional tasks have also meant that our security officers have increased interactions with the public, including those who may be hostile.
Semasa COVID-19, ramai pegawai keselamatan kami telah memikul lebih banyak tugas untuk memastikan kesejahteraan kita, termasuk mengambil suhu, kawalan orang ramai, dan pemeriksaan SafeEntry. Langkah-langkah ini amat penting dalam membantu komuniti kita membendung penularan COVID-19. Walau bagaimanapun, tugasan-tugasan tambahan ini juga bermakna bahawa pegawai keselamatan kami akan meningkatkan interaksi mereka dengan orang ramai, termasuk mereka yang mungkin berkelakuan tidak masuk akal.
Recently, we have seen a few cases in the news of abuse towards security officers. This is worrying, and the labour movement condemns these acts of intimidation and abuse. Abuse towards security officers may be more commonplace than we think. The results of a survey conducted by the Union of Security Employees which was released in March this year found that 2 in 5 security officers were exposed to some form of abuse during their line of work.
Baru-baru ini, kita telah melihat beberapa kes dalam berita tentang penderaan terhadap pegawai keselamatan. Ini membimbangkan, dan gerakan buruh mengutuk tindakan intimidasi dan penderaan ini. Penderaan terhadap pegawai keselamatan mungkin lebih kerap daripada yang kita fikirkan. Hasil kaji selidik yang dijalankan oleh Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Keselamatan yang dikeluarkan pada bulan Mac tahun ini mendapati bahawa 2 daripada 5 pegawai keselamatan terdedah kepada beberapa bentuk penderaan semasa tempoh kerja mereka.
The amendments to enhance the protection for security officers are thus timely. While there have always been existing laws to protect all from harassment and abuse, no special provision has been given before this specifically for security officers. That being said, I would like to ask the Ministry of Home Affairs what will be done to ensure that security officers and members of the public will be made aware of these amendments so that our security officers will know their rights and be able to better assert themselves while carrying out their duties.
Pindaan yang meningkatkan perlindungan kepada pegawai keselamatan adalah tepat pada masanya. Walaupun terdapat undang-undang sedia ada untuk melindungi semua daripada gangguan dan penderaan, tiada peruntukan khas sebelum ini khusus untuk pegawai keselamatan. Oleh itu, saya ingin bertanya kepada Kementerian Ehwal Dalam Negeri apa yang akan dilakukan untuk memastikan pegawai keselamatan dan orang awam akan dimaklumkan mengenai pindaan ini supaya Pegawai Keselamatan kita mengetahui hak mereka dan dapat menegaskan diri dengan lebih baik semasa menjalankan tugas.
Industry-Led Accreditation of Security Consultants
The second amendment, the shift towards the industry-led accreditation of security consultants, is an important step for the private security industry.
With this amendment, the certification of security consultants would now reside within the industry which potentially signals an increased availability of qualified security consultants who can help buyers buy security correctly – conduct a proper security Assessment, install the right Technology, and deploying ably trained Manpower to leverage the technology. This ATM approach can improve security outcomes significantly, and lower overall security costs through increased productivity.
Outcome-Based Contracting
The ATM approach also complements Outcome-based Contracting, where clients specify outcomes rather than go by the traditional procurement method of specifying headcounts. Outcome-based contracts also advocate for the use of technology and job redesign which can help to make the work of security officers more efficient and effective. With the use of technology such as remote gate guarding, facial recognition, visitor management system, and remote video surveillance, the Service Buyer has been able to achieve the same or better outcomes.
The transition to outcome-based contracting can be daunting for many service buyers. Many are unsure how to craft an outcome-based tender specifications and may be intimidated by the upfront cost of purchasing technology. Furthermore, it can also prove challenging to convince all stakeholders that the transition to outcome-based contracting will be a fruitful one. For example, many residents in condominiums may still feel that having security officers on-site 24/7 is important.
However, after undertaking the transition, the benefits often outweigh the initial adjustment period. One such example of a security agency that was able to help their clients better procure security services via Outcome-based Sourcing is Focus Security. With the use of technology such as a vehicle management system at the entrance of the residential site, they were able to cut down the manpower needed by two while continuing to deliver similar outcomes.
In addition to increased productivity, a better-designed deployment plan coupled with technology adoption will help minimise the risk of abuse of security officers who will no longer need to manually enforce rules in a public-facing setting. For example, illegal parking can be managed through gantries, signages, and CCTV with Video Analytics rather than a patrolling security officer who is tasked with requesting that errant drivers move their cars.
Thus, I would like to ask the Ministry of Home Affairs if there are any plans to encourage the adoption of Outcome-based contracting and technology to help make our security officers’ work safer and more effective.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate my support for the amendments to the Private Security Industry (Amendment) Bill. The proposed amendments will send a clear signal that any abuse will not be tolerated and enhance the pool of qualified security consultants who can help buyers better procure security services.
As a labour movement, we applaud these amendments and continue to work to improve wages, welfare, and work conditions for security officers together with our tripartite partners.
I support the Bill, thank you.