Model ID: 0b4b469b-b33c-4cc6-835a-daaf5c3cae04 Sitecore Context Id: 0b4b469b-b33c-4cc6-835a-daaf5c3cae04;

Speech at the 2nd Reading of The Private Security Industry (Amendment) Bill by Abdul Samad Bin Abdul Wahab NTUC VP and NMP on 5 Oct 2021

For those who are not aware of USE and what do they do, USE is one of 58 Unions affiliated to NTUC
Model ID: 0b4b469b-b33c-4cc6-835a-daaf5c3cae04 Sitecore Context Id: 0b4b469b-b33c-4cc6-835a-daaf5c3cae04;
05 Oct 2021
Model ID: 0b4b469b-b33c-4cc6-835a-daaf5c3cae04 Sitecore Context Id: 0b4b469b-b33c-4cc6-835a-daaf5c3cae04;
Sir, allow me to convey my appreciation to my fellow leaders from the Union of Security Employees, in short USE, for their efforts in pushing and advocating for greater protection of the security officers. When I first got to know about this Bill, I contacted my fellow Union leaders from USE and asked for their views about the changes that the Bill could bring for our workers. I wanted to know if the amendments will improve the workers in the 4 key areas that we are concerned about: Protection, Progression, Placement and Privileges. These 4Ps are NTUC’s key pillars that every Union leader is working towards in achieving the 3Ws - Wages, Welfare and Work Prospects for our workers.
Their immediate response to me was this, I quote,” Brother Samad, this Bill signifies that the government never fails to hear our calls to improve the protection of our security officers in their course of work and we certainly welcome these amendments.” 
For those who are not aware of USE and what do they do, USE is one of 58 Unions affiliated to NTUC. Formed in 1978, they represent all persons who are employed in the security and security-related services. USE has evolved over the years and currently represents over 20,000 union members. Security officers are aware that USE leaders are security officers, as well as workers from the industry. However, they take on the additional role by walking the ground and understanding the concerns and issues faced by the workers to better serve their needs. 
Beyond providing social benefits via NTUC Social Enterprises, USE actively carries out industrial relations works. In fact, they started USE Mediation Service in 2018 as unionised security agencies and union members felt that USE understood the industry practices and was in a better position to deal with grievances. On average, they have been handling over 200 cases per year. The number of cases has been on the rise since Covid struck us last year. Last year USE handled 267 cases, the same number of cases they see now year to date, and we still have one more quarter to go.
USE Mediation Service serves not just members but all officers in the Security industry by helping them to mediate issues that range from salary payment to harassment cases. USE will soon launch an app in the fourth quarter this year to allow officers and agencies to report any harassment or work-related grievances for Union to take action, together with our tripartite partners. This is in line with NTUC’s belief that Members First, Workers Always which means Every Worker Matters.
In addition, USE recently has collaborated with the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) to conduct a longitudinal study to track changes in the wages, welfare and work prospects among security officers in Singapore. In the first survey conducted between January and February 2020, 30% of the security officers surveyed had faced some form of abuse in the course of their work. When the survey was conducted again between September and November in the same year, 40% of the security officers surveyed had faced some form of abuse in the course of their work, this is a 10% increase in a matter of months. 
Mdm, allow me to share a case that our USE leaders have represented and hopefully with the amendments of this Bill, it can help to prevent similar cases from happening again.
A Security Officer was deployed at a condominium and shared that tenant and Condo Manager at the site had been constantly yelling at them, being disrespectful and using profanities at the security officers. He brought the issue to his Operations Executive on multiple occasions, however, no follow-up actions were taken by the security agency. Thus, the Security Supervisor sought help from, who and where else, USE Mediation Service. Upon receiving the report, USE engaged the security agency and addressed that USE does not condone such behaviour towards any security officers. The agency acknowledged and assured that the matter will be addressed with the Condo Manager. This incident was investigated, and the Condo Manager was issued with a stern warning for his actions. This is just one of the many cases that our Union leaders have represented and protected the interest of our workers.
With such uncalled behaviour towards our security officers, this Bill is timely as it introduces three new offences to protect security officers when they are executing their duties. It will give the security officer assurance towards any form of assault or criminal force, voluntarily hurt cause by members of public and also against any indecent, threatening, words or behaviour, or such communication against security officers, with intent to cause and as a result causing harassment, alarm or distress. 
With the amendments to this Bill, these offences will carry penalties pegged higher than if they were committed against members of the public. This is very welcoming and heartening news for all our security officers. 
I would like to urge Security companies to implement other measures to prevent abuse and not solely rely on legislative protection. For example, USE has pointed that some altercations could be avoided through the better deployment of technology and manpower in order to minimise the in-person interactions with officers. This is also in line with NTUC’s push for workplace transformation and towards achieving worker 4.0. 
Pindaan akta ini adalah sesuatu yang dinantikan oleh pegawai-pegawai keselamatan yang sentiasa dicabar sewaktu menjalankan pekerjaan mereka. Ketahuilah bahawa Kesatuan Pekerja Keselamatan, USE, akan sentiasa bersama anda untuk mendengar rintihan anda tentang pekerjaan dan bagi setiap maklum balas, kami akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik untuk anda sekalian. Ramai di antara kita tahu dan juga pernah mendengar kisah-kisah pegawai keselamatan yang dihina, dicerca sewaktu menjalankan tugas mereka. Ini amatlah menyedihkan. Dari itu saya ingin menggalak semua pegawai keselamatan agar menjadi ahli kesatuan tersebut dan mendapatkan bantuan mereka. Kalau anda tidak mengenali sesiapa dari USE, pergilah ke Pusat Pengantaraan (Mediation Centre) mereka yang terletak di Textile Centre di Jalan Sultan. Pusat ini menyediakan perkhidmatan khusus untuk anda. Kami sentiasa akan mendengar dan membantu anda dalam sebarang masalah mengenai pekerjaan dan di tempat kerja.
Tuan Speaker dan semua anggota dewan, pekerjaan sebagai pegawai keselamatan telah banyak berubah kalau dibandingkan dengan masa lalu. Suatu ketika dahulu, kita perlukan ramai pegawai keselamatan untuk sesuatu tempat atau bangunan. Tetapi teknologi telah meningkatkan mutu pekerjaan pegawai keselamatan. Ini menyebabkan majikan tidak perlu menggajikan ramai pegawai keselamatan lagi kerana setiap pegawai keselamatan sekarang mempu menggunakan teknologi untuk mengawasi lebih banyak kawasan. Majikan sudah tentu dapat menjimatkan kos dan di sini saya mohon kepada semua majikan demikan untuk berkongsi penjimatan kos itu dengan para pegawai keselamatan anda. Janganlah hanya penuhkan poket orang atasan mereka sahaja. Perubahan ini adalah hasil usaha kesatuan USE dan NTUC dalam meningkatkan prestasi setiap pegawai supaya mereka dapat meraih lebih faedah baik dari segi gaji, kebajikan dan peningkatan kerjaya anda. 
Tuan Speaker, pekerjaan sebagai pegawai keselamatan hanya indah di rupa sahaja. Tanggungjawab mereka telah meningkat dengan peredaran masa. Mereka sedar akan peningkatan tanggungjawab itu dan mereka juga harapkan sokongan daripada semua pihak untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka.
Saya menyeru pada semua pihak untuk menghormati setiap pegawai keselamtan yang sedang menjalankan pekerjaan yang semakin mencabar, lebih-lebih lagi di waktu pandemik ini. Kepada semua pegawai keselamatan, saya harap Akta ini akan membuat anda lebih rasa selamat dalam menjalankan pekerjaan anda. Sekali lagi saya mengajak anda untuk menjadi ahli kesatuan untuk meraih faedah kebajikan dan rujuklah pada Pusat Pengantaraan untuk mendapatkan bantuan sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah di tempat kerja anda.
Beyond this Bill, with the presence and continuous advocacy from USE, security officers are being better protected and we encourage more to join the union and allow us to represent and serve you. We acknowledge that are some lower earning security officers may find it challenging to pay the membership fees. Hence I call on employers can consider sponsoring the union membership fees for all their security officers. More assistance should be provided to them. 
Mdm, every security officer is a human being tasked to enforce rules, some of which are not well thought through. But as professionals, they do their jobs when called upon. Behind every abuse is an officer who feels upset, angry and emotional, so we appreciate these amendments and giving security officers greater protection.
To all the security officers, on behalf of NTUC and USE, I would like to convey my appreciation for the good work you do in keeping our loved ones safe. Be assured that with USE and NTUC around, “You will never walk alone” and we will always be here for you. 
Mdm, I support this Bill.