Key union representatives and Advisor Ang Hin Kee from the National Taxi Association (NTA) greeted about 600 taxi drivers at Changi Airport on the first day of Lunar New Year today to show appreciation for their hard work.
During the visit, NTA shared taxi drivers’ feedback on the Taxi Availability (TA) indicators announced by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) recently.
"Overall, we are very confident that since the Taxi Availability indicator has been launched, together with the freeing up of restriction at the CBD area, more passengers are able to get hold of the cab at a short period in the city area," said Mr Ang.
One area of concern was that TA indicators measure company fleet performance. Companies should incentivise drivers to help companies achieve the indicators.
Some drivers expressed concern that companies may transfer responsibility to drivers and penalise them. There were some drivers who had been misinformed that they had to meet the daily 250km target.
Elderly drivers also expressed some pressure in meeting the TA indicators. They said they needed time to re-adjust their driving habits and look for relief drivers.
NTA urged LTA and companies to do more to enhance relief drivers’ availability, and companies should try new initiatives to better match demand and supply, reduce empty cruising and the long wait at queues.