11 Apr 2007 |
Skills Upgrading - The Key to a Better Lifestyle Media Release 1. As Singapore continues to grow and face global challenges, embracing globalization has become a way of life to many in Singapore. To compete in the globalised world, companies in Singapore have adopted a constructive and pro-active strategy of continuously upgrading and re-training their workers fast enough to remain productive and employable so that they can achieve a better quality of life. Delphi Singapore is one excellent example that embraces globalisation and prepares its employees to take on challenges brought via globalisation through skills upgrading. 2. Since 2005, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and the United Workers of Electronics and Electrical Industries (UWEEI) have been working with Delphi Singapore to provide in-employment training for its 179 operators. This is to prepare all the operators in Delphi Singapore to take on technical work. WDA has supported Delphi in its training efforts by subsidising up to 90% of the training fees. Of these workers, 64% of them are aged 40 and above. 3. At a certificate presentation ceremony this afternoon to mark the completion of the Phase 1 fast-track NITEC training, Madam Halimah Yacob, Assistant Secretary-General of NTUC and the Executive Secretary of UWEEI, commended the learning spirit of these workers and the efforts of the management who re-trained them. A total of 39 employees received their NITEC (Intermediate) certificates from Mdm Halimah Yacob at the presentation ceremony at Delphi Singapore this afternoon. 4. Under the Phase 2 NITEC training, 48 workers will be undergoing more in-depth training to further enhance their technical knowledge. The Phase 2 NITEC training will be conducted in-house in various batches. Delphi Singapore aims to complete the training and skills upgrading of the 179 operators in phases. 5. After the training, the operators will become semi-skilled workers. They will then be able to take on new technical roles in a high-tech electronics manufacturing plant. With the expanded job scope, the workers will be required to do simple troubleshooting of equipment and maintenance of machinery. 6. The in-employment training initiative of NTUC, WDA and UWEEI is a good example of how the labour movement works together with employers to enhance the skills level of their employees so that they can take on higher level jobs. It is also one of the keys towards achieving a better life for the employees as it increases one’s opportunity to receive a better salary after skills upgrading. 7. Said Mr Ong Ye Kung, Chief Executive Officer of WDA, “I visited Delphi about two years ago when the Managing Director, Mr Jimmy Quah, told me about this initiative. He has personally driven this initiative, and today I am most happy to see that Delphi’s operators have responded to it enthusiastically. I am glad that NTUC and WDA were able to value add to Delphi's efforts. We hope that more Singapore companies will up-skill and re-skill their workers for higher value jobs, and better company performance. ” 8. One of these employees is Ms Irene Sim Ai Lian who is 39 years old, and has served Delphi Singapore for more than 10 years. She said, “…my NITEC training has helped me to perform my job better and I am now able to carry out trouble-shooting done by technicians…". ******** About NTUC NTUC is a national federation of trade unions of workers in the industrial, service and public sectors representing more than 460,000 workers in Singapore. It has 63 trade unions and six associations affiliated to it. NTUC’s objectives are to help Singapore stay competitive and workers to remain employable for life; to enhance the social status and well-being of workers and to build a strong, responsible and caring labour movement. For more information, please visit http://www.ntuc.org.sg About WDA The Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) seeks to enhance the competitiveness and employability of employees and jobseekers, thereby building a workforce that meets the changing needs of Singapore’s economy. Working with industry, unions, employers, economic agencies, professional associations and training organisations, the agency’s efforts are targeted at supporting industry growth by building a pipeline of workers through training and skills upgrading, and raising industry standards through enhancing manpower capabilities. For more information, please visit http://www.wda.gov.sg About Delphi Singapore Delphi Corporation is a leading global supplier of mobile electronics and transportation systems. Engineered to meet and exceed the rigorous standards of the automotive industry, Delphi technology is also found in computing, communications, consumer electronics, energy and medical applications. Headquartered in Troy, Michigan, U.S.A., Delphi operates 159 wholly owned manufacturing sites in 36 countries with sales of US$26.4 billion in 2006. Delphi Singapore was established in 1978, manufacturing radio circuit boards. Today, Delphi Singapore has evolved into a centre of excellence in microelectronics and is an integral part of the company’s global manufacturing and R&D capabilities. Delphi can be found on the Internet at www.delphi.com About United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries The United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries represent more than 46,000 workers from 105 branches in the electrical and electronics sectors and is one of the largest affiliates of the National Trades Union Congress. Founded in 1981, it seeks to promote good industrial relations between members and their employers, enhance members’ economic and social status and raise productivity for the benefit of members, employers and Singapore’s economy. **** For media queries, please contact: Julie Tai Hui Leng Regina Ong Yun Wei Margarita Perfecto |