Model ID: d3f8270e-650a-4f98-a708-715b9ad5ccc9 Sitecore Context Id: d3f8270e-650a-4f98-a708-715b9ad5ccc9;

Six Taxi Operators' Associations to Form National Taxi Association

More than 10,100 taxi drivers become members of the newly formed NTUC-affiliated association
Model ID: d3f8270e-650a-4f98-a708-715b9ad5ccc9 Sitecore Context Id: d3f8270e-650a-4f98-a708-715b9ad5ccc9;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: d3f8270e-650a-4f98-a708-715b9ad5ccc9 Sitecore Context Id: d3f8270e-650a-4f98-a708-715b9ad5ccc9;

26 Jun 2010

The six Taxi Operators’ Associations (TOA) affiliated to the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) will come together to form the National Taxi Association (NTA). They are: Comfort Taxi Operators’ Association (CTOA), SMRT Taxi Operators’ Association (STOA), CityCab Operators’ Association (CCOA), TransCab Operators’ Association (TCOA), Premier Taxi Operators’ Association (PTOA) and SmartCab Operators’ Association (SCOA). The NTA will enable them to have a stronger and unified voice for all taxi drivers in Singapore to address issues at an industry level. It also consolidates and pools the resources of the six associations so that they could "Do More, Do Good, Do Well and Do Together" for its members.

The discussion to form NTA started two years ago. An NTA Pro-Tem Committee comprising key leaders from the six TOAs was formed to facilitate the discussion. Key and grassroots leaders were briefed on the rationale behind the formation of NTA at different platforms of engagement such as seminars, workshops and small group discussions. During these engagements and discussions, their concerns were shared and addressed. Leaders strongly supported the initiative. Please refer to Annex 1 for NTA’s Executive Council members.

There are currently 10,100 NTA members in Singapore.  As members of the newly formed NTA, taxi drivers can now leverage on the solidarity to work with key strategic partners and stakeholders to develop new programmes and initiatives that will help transform their taxi services.  Taxi drivers who currently do not belong to any taxi association are welcome to join NTA to enjoy a whole suite of welfare benefits as well. 

Guest-of-Honour, NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say unveiled the new NTA logo [1] at its Inauguration Ceremony on 26 June 2010 at the Orchid Country Club. He was accompanied by Advisor of NTA and Assistant Secretary-General Seng Han Thong, NTUC Central Committee members, as well as tripartite partners from six taxi companies and the Land Transport Authority (LTA).  The new logo was designed by an association member, Ms Calen Chen, who has been in this profession for 5 years.

“With the formation of NTA, we have many important responsibilities ahead to ensure that our members will always be able to share the fruits of Singapore’s economic development, just like all others Singaporeans,” said Assistant Secretary-General Seng Han Thong.

President of NTA, Wee Boon Kim said: “I must thank all our leaders, members and management for their support and understanding. Throughout this journey of forming NTA, their strong commitment and impartial views and opinions helped greatly in resolving many difficult issues. It is this selfless attitude that enables a seamless and smooth formation of NTA.”

“With NTA, I am confident we will be able to achieve more and better benefits for our members with all our committed leaders and strong support from our members, strategic partners," added General Secretary of NTA, Ong Hian Teck.

To commemorate this significant milestone, NTA also launched “We are ONE”—a commemorative book that showcases the key people, milestones and events that have contributed and shaped the history of the six Taxi Operators’ Associations over the past 13 years till today’s official formation of NTA.  It chronicles the collective memory of the Associations that held together the past and present, and provides continuity and direction to the future.

Following the Inauguration Ceremony, NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say and Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) Teo Ser Luck, were joined by the tripartite partners to flag off 30 taxis [2] carrying the Youth Olympics Games (YOG) 2010 mini-flags. All NTA-member taxis will carry these mini-flags in support of YOG this August as well as to welcome tourists coming to Singapore to watch the games. 


[1]Please refer to Annex 2 – Symbolism of the new National Taxi Association (NTA) logo.

[2] 10 from ComfortDelgro; 5 from CityCab; 4 from Premier Taxi; 4 from SMRT; 4 from TransCab and 3 from SMARTCab.


Annex 1 – The National Taxi Association Executive Council                           

President                        :

Wee Boon Kim 黄文金, CTOA

Dy President                    :

John Leong Sock Heng 梁雪, STOA

Vice- President                :

Robin Lim Keng Hiang 庆贤, CCOA

Vice- President                :

Tan Soon Huat 陈顺发, CTOA

General Secretary          :

Ong Hian Teck 贤德, TCOA

Dy Gen Secretary            :

Wong Chong Hock 王中福, CCOA

Asst Gen Secretary          :

Lim Chye Lye 林才量, STOA

Asst Gen Secretary          :

Chan Siong Hwa 陈相华, CTOA

General Treasurer          :

Tang Soon Poh 陈顺宝, CTOA

Asst Gen Treasurer          :

Chia Hock Peng 谢国平, STOA

Asst Gen Treasurer          :

Foo Chi Yong 绩榮, PTOA

Internal Auditor               :

Teo Han Cheng 张汉清, TCOA

Committee Members       :

Kong Nay Foo龚南福, SCOA


Choo Kee San 朱祈 , CCOA


Tan Yeow Chuan 陈耀全, PTOA


Johnny Hoe Chee Kwong 何志光, CTOA


Gerald Chan Kim Guan 曾金源, CTOA


Tham Yuet Kok谭悦国, CTOA


Ng Hong Wee黄宏, CTOA




Annex 2 – Symbolism of the new NTA logo

The NTA logo is shaped in the form of a Taxi Top. 

  1. The letter ‘N’ denotes a bird taking flight and the logo is encircled by the letter ‘A’ signifying Unity.
  2. The words ‘National Taxi Association’ at the base of the logo depict the dawn of a new partnership and the birth of new ideas.
  3. Colour scheme:
  • Red - signifies Unity
  • Blue - signifies a Better Life
  • White - signifies Fairness to All

Who Designed the NTA logo?

Interestingly, the logo was designed by an association member, Ms Calen Chen, 49, who drives a Premier Taxi.  She was formerly working in the creative field 5 years ago before making a career switch to become a taxi driver.
