NTUC FairPrice has topped this year’s ‘Singapore’s Top 100 brands’ by Campaign Asia-Pacific, ahead of other home-grown brands such as Singapore Airlines (SIA) and DBS Bank.
The NTUC social enterprise surpassed last year’s local brand top seat SIA, after coming in as the first runner-up in 2019.
“The brand has wholly championed a spirit of community during the pandemic, whether it’s through the support of its senior citizen shoppers, limiting purchases of essentials when ‘panic buying’ hit some months ago, or implementing fixed prices at this time. It doesn’t hurt that the brand managed to digitally adapt at rapid speed when the pandemic hit.”
Across all brands, the nation’s largest supermarket chain came in fourth on the list.
Fairprice was surpassed only by international tech giants Samsung, Apple and LG, which clinched the first, second and third places respectively.
NTUC Enterprise and FairPrice Group CEO Seah Kian Peng said making the entry into Asia’s Top 1000 Brands is in itself a strong affirmation for the FairPrice brand.
Mr Seah said: “The award is a strong testimony and recognition of the trust and confidence that our customers have accorded to FairPrice over the years. It is also a tribute to the good work and commitment of our staff and management, the guidance from our Board and support from the labour movement.
“We are humbled and honoured by the award and it will motivate us further and strengthen our resolve to continue to innovate and serve our customers better.”
Campaign Asia-Pacific is a subscription-based monthly magazine that reports on the marketing and advertising industry in Asia. The site includes news, trends, research and analysis.
Rankings are based on comprehensive research, done by global information, data and measurement company Nielsen, on consumer brand perception.