To mark its 60th anniversary, the Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union (SCTU) is organising a seminar cum luncheon to allow participants to come together to reflect on the teaching and learning of the Chinese Language, and to explore the future developments of Chinese education in Singapore against the backdrop of rising importance of the Chinese Language globally.
Chinese educators play a significant role in preserving traditional Chinese culture, while providing an all-encompassing learning experience to our future generations. Targeted at Chinese educators, the seminar titled 'Chinese Language Teaching and Learning: Beyond the Past and Towards the Future' hopes to inspire local Chinese educators through the sharing of real-life experiences by guest speakers. Participants can also expect to gain new perspectives on the teaching and learning of Chinese Language, which they can bring back to their classrooms and put it to practical use.
Reputed to be one of the 'three shining stars' of Chinese as a foreign language teaching together with Peter Kupfer of Germany and Joël Bellassen of France, Korean Professor Maeng Joooeck will be sharing, at the seminar, how he becomes the best Chinese-speaking Korean in his country through self-study and his experiences in teaching the Chinese Language in South Korea.
Singapore's very own creative advertising talent, Ms Lim Sau Hoong, will also point out the important role of the Chinese educators, and share her own experiences to encourage them during the seminar.
This year, SCTU will be giving out the SCTU Book Prize to 56 children of its members, which include students from the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education levels. Each child will receive between $80 and $150, together with a certificate and goodie bag that consists a copy of the biography of great philanthropist Mrs Wong Kwok Leong.
As part of a series of 60th Anniversary celebrations, some 40 participants from the SCTU will be attending the 6th International Chinese Teaching Forum to be held in Kunming, China in late November this year. This forum was initiated by the SCTU 10 years ago to provide local Chinese educators a platform to enhance their professional standards. In collaboration with the Yunnan Normal University, the forum aims to promote interaction among the Chinese educators from different countries and to learn from one other's experiences. Registration for this event will be opened till 10 Oct 2013.
A special 60th anniversary publication will also be published in early 2014 to commemorate and conclude the 60th anniversary celebrations and it will include highlights from the seminar and the 6th International Chinese Teaching Forum.
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