To celebrate Teachers’ Day and in support of SG50 celebrations, the Singapore Chinese Teachers’ Union (SCTU), together with the Singapore Middle School Chinese Teachers' Association and Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, organised a Teachers' Day Luncheon to pay special tribute to about 150 Pioneer Generation (PG) Chinese Language (CL) teachers. The PG CL teachers who attended the luncheon covered preschool, primary and secondary education, as well as tertiary education.
This is the first time the three Chinese Language education-related organisations worked together to organise such a function to invite PG CL teachers to celebrate Teachers’ Day, as well as to thank them for their contributions towards the Chinese Language education in Singapore. They had laid a good foundation for Chinese Language and culture to be passed down through generations in Singapore. Some 320 teachers, members, and their family attended the luncheon.
During the luncheon, SCTU also gave out its annual Book Prize to encourage children of its members to continue to strive academically. This year, 64 students from the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education levels received between $80 and $180 each, together with a certificate. The SCTU Book Prize was co-funded by U Care Fund.
In conclusion, SCTU announced that it will be partnering the National Library Board on the Singapore Memory Project, and to gather and share inspiring and heart-warming stories from the PG CL teachers.
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