Model ID: 510ada45-5d91-4938-b6de-14d3db51b417 Sitecore Context Id: 510ada45-5d91-4938-b6de-14d3db51b417;

Service from the heart

NTUC FairPrice's Care Ambassador Award recipients - Hua Meng Lee and Patricia Kang
Model ID: 510ada45-5d91-4938-b6de-14d3db51b417 Sitecore Context Id: 510ada45-5d91-4938-b6de-14d3db51b417;
10 Apr 2012
Model ID: 510ada45-5d91-4938-b6de-14d3db51b417 Sitecore Context Id: 510ada45-5d91-4938-b6de-14d3db51b417;

NTUC FairPrice's Care Ambassador Award recipient - Hua Meng Lee
She shows care towards customers, compassion towards colleagues and is committed to serve from the heart. NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Limited Organisation Development Manager Hua Meng Lee (in maroon blouse) touches the hearts of everyone she meets.

When an elderly female customer hurt herself at FairPrice Finest at Marine Parade, the customer’s family initially blamed the supermarket staff for negligence. On top of fully reimbursing the family for the medical fees, she spent the next few months visiting the customer and calling up to check on her condition, eventually winning over the family with her sincerity.

In another incident, Ms Hua stepped up to protect the staff of an outlet from two difficult and abusive sisters who were harassing them and causing them mental anxiety and stress. She eventually worked with the management to ban the sisters from entering all NTUC FairPrice stores.

NTUC FairPrice's Care Ambassador Award recipient - Patricia Kang
What would you do if someone fainted near you? Like most people, Ms Patricia Kang (in white blouse), a Division Manager at FairPrice Xtra at nex called a doctor.

While waiting for the doctor to arrive, however, Ms Kang, a trained first aider, performed CPR on the elderly Indonesian woman and managed to revive her after a few attempts. Had she not done so, the customer might not have survived. The customer’s daughter-in-law was so relieved that she gave Ms Kang a hug.

Well-liked by co-workers, Ms Kang is regarded as a mother and sister by her colleagues. Once, when a young cashier was assaulted by a male customer, Ms Kang counselled the staff and called his family to explain the situation. She then provided details of the case to the company’s legal department to prevent further abuse by the customer.
