Older workers can now look forward to more rebates and medical benefits that cater to their needs through the golden years, as well as strong support at the workplace and in active ageing as the Labour Movement re-affirms its commitment towards their welfare.
Some 7,000 members from 26 unions will qualify for membership fee rebates as of April 2013 under NTUC’s U 65+ programme. Over 4,000 members received the rebates this year and another 3,000 members will receive theirs by January 2014. The U65+ programme is a pilot initiative based on age and tenure to reward and recognise loyal members who are now 65 years and above and must have a membership tenure of ten years or more.
NTUC’s U Live@Work community and Membership Department organised a morning of fun-filled activities for over 200 senior members at Resorts World Sentosa on 13 April 2013 to highlight NTUC’s suite of initiatives for older workers relating to health, work and play. The event also included experts’ advice on healthcare and workplace issues.
For better understanding of the WorkPro programme, NTUC organised a presentation at the event on the increased support from tripartite partners in ensuring they receive fair treatment and recognition in the workforce.
Guest-of-Honour NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Heng Chee How shared at the event that the WorkPro programme recently announced by the Government was welcomed by workers as well as the Labour Movement. He added that with the programme, aspects such as training, job redesign, and flexible work arrangements will encourage companies as well as workers to do their part.
Mr Heng said: “These are all very important things to do so that barriers can be brought down and companies can then tap on the less tapped segments of our workforce, because this is a very tight labour market as well and it is a win-win for both companies and workers. The Labour Movement will continue to push for implementation and push for progress.”
At the event, NTUC’s U Live Community showcased their initiatives which has helped over 130,000 active agers lead a ‘Happy,Healthy Productive and Purposeful’ (H2P2) lifestyle with a wide variety of activities and interest groups.
Shared U Live member Mr Smiley Goh: “Ever since I joined U Live, I’ve had the opportunity to fill my days with activities that allow me to make new friends and stay active. I even get a chance to mentor other seniors in a sport that I love - golf! Now I look forward to U Live events where I can share my knowledge with my peers and help them to lead productive and purposeful lives.