19 June 2007
Media Statement
1 The Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) was recently informed of Temasek Holdings’ plans to sell the three power generation companies (gencos for short), namely PowerSeraya, Tuas Power and Senoko Power.
2 The key concerns of workers in the three companies are how such a sale will impact on their jobs, their pay and if there will be retrenchments in future.
3 Under Singapore’s laws, UPAGE will continue to represent workers in the gencos in the event of a sale. UPAGE has also recently concluded collective agreements with the three gencos that will be binding on the new owners of the gencos for the next three years. Workers’ interests under the existing terms and conditions of the collective agreements will thus be safeguarded in the event of any sale.
4 The gencos are operating efficiently, comparable to industry best practice. The demand for electricity is set to rise with economic growth and this augurs well for the future. Nevertheless, UPAGE is cognizant that a new owner will decide what is best for the company moving forward.
5 If there are lay-offs, UPAGE will ensure that workers are fairly compensated. Their existing length of service will be preserved and count towards computation of retrenchment benefits. UPAGE will also work with management, NTUC and relevant agencies to get the necessary support to help affected workers.
6 In the event of possible re-structuring of business down the road, NTUC can work with the union and management to re-skill existing workers to undertake new work and new roles. This has proven to be effective in other industries where workers have been receptive to re-training to undertake new job functions.
7 UPAGE enjoys a close working relationship with the management of the gencos and Temasek Holdings. UPAGE looks forward to building such strong ties with the new owners when the gencos are sold.
Mr RKS Nachiappan
General Secretary
Union of Power and Gas Employees
For media queries, please contact:
Goy Kae Lip
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
DID 6213 8184
HP 9792 0650
Email goykl@ntuc.org.sg