Model ID: 20e4b6a8-9721-4989-b0f9-7fc51cd57de8 Sitecore Context Id: 20e4b6a8-9721-4989-b0f9-7fc51cd57de8;

ST Reply Letter - "Despite several appeals, including one from his MP, Singapore Power will not re-e

We refer to the letter from Ms Christine Lim (ST 18 Jul) "Despite several appeals, including one from his MP, Singapore Power will not re-employ my father".
Model ID: 20e4b6a8-9721-4989-b0f9-7fc51cd57de8 Sitecore Context Id: 20e4b6a8-9721-4989-b0f9-7fc51cd57de8;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 20e4b6a8-9721-4989-b0f9-7fc51cd57de8 Sitecore Context Id: 20e4b6a8-9721-4989-b0f9-7fc51cd57de8;

ST Reply Letter - "Despite several appeals, including one from his MP, Singapore Power will not re-employ my father"


20 July 2009

The Straits Times

We refer to the letter from Ms Christine Lim (ST 18 Jul) "Despite several appeals, including one from his MP, Singapore Power will not re-employ my father".

The heading may suggest that Singapore Power is not supportive of re-employment of older workers.

On the contrary, Singapore Power was amongst the first companies to support the Labour Movement's call for re-employment of workers upon reaching 62.

As the union representing Singapore Power workers, we would like to acknowledge that the company has been an exemplary partner in extending employment beyond 62.

At Singapore Power, 84% of workers who reach 62 are re-employed for at least 2 years up till 64, subject to good performance, medical fitness and operational needs.

On a case by case basis, employment is also offered beyond 64 on a yearly basis to many including Ms Christine Lim's father who will be re-employed till 66 years.

RKS Nachiappan
General Secretary
Union of Power and Gas Employees

