Model ID: 2da4df19-a487-4689-b3b8-9feb82c9d546 Sitecore Context Id: 2da4df19-a487-4689-b3b8-9feb82c9d546;

ST Aerospace Observes National Day

Staff of ST Aerospace hold their National Day Observance Ceremony as they reflect on the steps taken to achieve what they have today.
Model ID: 2da4df19-a487-4689-b3b8-9feb82c9d546 Sitecore Context Id: 2da4df19-a487-4689-b3b8-9feb82c9d546;
07 Aug 2015
Model ID: 2da4df19-a487-4689-b3b8-9feb82c9d546 Sitecore Context Id: 2da4df19-a487-4689-b3b8-9feb82c9d546;

By Ryan Chan

ST Aerospace held their National Day Observance Ceremony on 6 August 2015, with about 1,600 staff in attendance.

Present at the ceremony as Guest-of-Honour was Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong, who spoke of the importance of strengthening the spirit of tripartism to carry on helping staff like mature workers to continue in an ageing workforce.

He said: “The theme of this year’s National Day is ‘Majulah Singapura’. This is a rallying call for Singaporeans to reflect on what we have achieved over the past 50 years and also look forward into the future together as one Singapore.

He added that one of the important steps the company had taken was to review its job processes to redesign jobs. This would allow more mature workers to continue meaningful employment in the company.

Support From the Unions

ST Aerospace President Lim Serh Ghee acknowledged the strong presence of the unions that has helped the company grow to where it is today.

“Today, ST Aerospace is a well-regarded brand name in the global aerospace marketplace. We would like to thank SISEU (Singapore Industrial and Services Employees’ Union) for your guidance and support all these years, working closely with our management and union representatives to build such strong and harmonious labour-management relations.

“This excellent tripartite relationship resulted in a strong, cohesive workforce that works hand-in-hand with the company for sustainable growth,” he said.

Source: NTUC This Week