1 Trade union delegates from 27 countries will take part in the 2nd Regional Conference of the International Trade Union Confederation-Asia Pacific (ITUC-AP) from 11-13 May 2011 at Downtown East, Singapore. Themed "Unity - The Way Forward", the conference endeavours to promote unity nationally and in the region, and to work toward a more co-operative and fair labour relations to address issues facing workers across the region and beyond.
2 While globalisation has seen increased economic growth, ITUC-AP notes that there are still pressing issues affecting workers and lower income households specifically in the Asia Pacific region. One major concern is the declining labour share in the Gross Domestic Product. This is mainly due to a lack of adequate distributive and re-distributive mechanisms in the region, like strong collective bargaining, adequate social safety nets and fair taxation/fiscal policies.
3 During the conference, delegates will look at ways to address a wide spectrum of issues facing labour movements regionally. One such issue is high unemployment coupled with poor employment protection, where millions of working men and women have lost their jobs without adequate procedures for retrenchment or employment adjustment and compensation, and where tensions between unions, employers and governments at times are strained in the process. Another key issue is on how relations between governments, employers and unions can be developed towards finding workable solutions for such issues.
4 An action plan to address these issues has been proposed by ITUC-AP and it will be the main basis at which discussions will centre around at the conference (Please refer to Annex A).
5 Mr Noriyuki Suzuki, General Secretary, ITUC-AP noted that trade unions across the world and not just in the region needed to be democratic and independent in tackling various issues across the board, while working closely with governments and employers where possible. He said, "Our priorities for action are always focused on organising and building a strong and united trade union movement across the region."
6 Alongside key discussions taking place at the conference, delegates will also see elections within the organisation on 13 May 2011, Friday, as ITUC-AP seeks a new President and new General Council Members for the challenging times ahead.
7 Speakers at the opening ceremony of the conference held on 11 May include Mr Juan Somavia, Director General of the International Labour Organisation (speaking via a pre-recorded video); Mr G Rajasekaran, President of ITUC-AP; Mr John De Payva, President of the Singapore National Trades Union Congress (NTUC); and Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Manpower, Singapore.
8 NTUC President John De Payva said, "The hosting of this regional conference in Singapore coincides with an important milestone in the history of the Singapore Labour Movement, as 2011 marks our 50th year of serving the workers of Singapore. NTUC's approach to helping workers resonates well with ITUC-AP, as NTUC's work plan for 2011 aims to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth and inclusive employment for workers so that they can have better jobs and earn better pay. NTUC has worked closely with its tripartite partners, namely the government and employers, in developing a unique and stable tripartite relationship that is effective in helping Singapore face various challenges and emerge stronger each time. NTUC will continue to strive to be progressive, responsive and relevant as a strong and effective tripartite partner."
9 This unique tripartite relationship has allowed Singaporean workers to weather through recent economic storms together, as Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong remarked, "Unions, along with employers, together with government were and will continue to be crucial in helping Singaporean workers address whatever challenges that arise, be it economic downturn or workplace concerns, through various initiatives and constant dialogue with all stakeholders."
Priorities for Action in the Period 2011 - 2015
On the basis of various plans of action as set down in this ITUC-AP Action Programme, the ITUC-AP identifies priorities for action in the period 2011 - 2015 subject to periodic review by the Regional General Council as follows:
1. Workers' Rights and Organising - Freedom of Association and Right to Bargain Collectively
Defending and protecting workers rights everywhere is the top priority. ITUC-AP will:
2. Labour and related policy - achieving legislative reform and building social programs for a sustainable future
Sound laws, open and accountable institutions, and effective social safety nets are the foundation for fair and inclusive societies. ITUC-AP will:
3. Peace and Disarmament for National Development
Peace - grounded on respect for national sovereignty, human freedoms, collective security and disarmament - is the essential platform for sustainable economic progress and social justice.
Without peace there can be no development and without development, peace is not sustainable. Regrettably, global military spending is growing rapidly at the expense of vital investment in social and economic development and military build up continues in the region.
ITUC-AP will: