Model ID: f573abcf-1095-49ae-8cfa-54bb8e47b0bf Sitecore Context Id: f573abcf-1095-49ae-8cfa-54bb8e47b0bf;

Recognising the Progressive Wage Model

Pushing for the Progressive Wage Model has been part of the Labour Movement's ethos. Hence, it was heartening to hear that the PWM would be introduced to the cleaning sector.
Model ID: f573abcf-1095-49ae-8cfa-54bb8e47b0bf Sitecore Context Id: f573abcf-1095-49ae-8cfa-54bb8e47b0bf;
15 Mar 2013
Model ID: f573abcf-1095-49ae-8cfa-54bb8e47b0bf Sitecore Context Id: f573abcf-1095-49ae-8cfa-54bb8e47b0bf;

Recognising the Progressive Wage Model; A new learning pinnacle for PMEs; AUPDRW members and children strive all the way up; Seniors celebrate Lunar New Year with the community; WorkPro to attract more women and seniors back to work; NTUC commends changes made to the Employment Act; nEbO youths set two records...
