Real Estate Management & Maintenance Industry Forum
24 May 2006
1 The Real Estate and Construction Centre (RECC), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) will host a Real Estate Management & Maintenance Industry (REMMI) Forum on 24 May 2006, Wednesday, 10.00 am, at the NTUC Centre, Auditorium, Level 7.
2 The Forum’s theme, Maintaining a Competitive Edge and Service: Developing and Levering on a World Class Workforce, serves to emphasise the reliance on the workforce due to the service and labour intensive nature of the work; a multi-skilled workforce is more productive and better equipped to provide value-add in this multi-faceted industry. A Client Platform will be held after the forum to share innovations, best practices and updates on real estate management and maintenance.
Graduation Ceremony for 1st Intake SRP-STEER (Property Officers)
3 At the Forum, a pilot group of 20 trainees, trained and placed as Property Officers, will graduate from the 1st intake of SRP-STEER (Property Officer) programme, at a ceremony graced by Guest-of-Honour, Mr Lim Swee Say, Deputy Secretary-General, NTUC and Minister, Prime Minister’s Office. These 20 trainees have successfully completed their training and will be presented with the Foundation Certificate in Real Estate Management and Maintenance, which provides business-technical skills training interweaved with social skills training.
4 Despite their age (13 of them are 40 years old and above, making up 65% of this pioneer cohort), some of these trainees has an inspiring story to tell, of how determination and hard work have helped them secure a brighter future. Some have overcome personal hurdles and conquered fears to learn new skills while others have shown true grit in their pursuit of a livelihood. Please see ANNEX A for background information on four of these trainees.
Job Re-creation Programme Makes Headway in Re-creating Jobs for PMETs
5 The REMMI Forum is an initiative supported by the Job Re-creation Programme (JRP), which is driven by NTUC, SNEF and WDA. Through JRP, we have enhanced the job worth, improved working conditions and job prospects of existing jobs to provide more meaningful career opportunities for Singaporeans, especially the older workers and less-skilled workers. Some of these re-created jobs include Landscape Technicians, Bus Captains, Taxi Drivers and Teacher Assistants etc.
6 However, the scope of JRP efforts is not confined to just assisting only the lower skilled workers. Working with RECC, JRP is also reaching out to the PMETs (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians) who are interested in entering the REMMI, and in retraining and upgrading their skills, to become Property Officers.
Real Estate Management and Maintenance Industry
7 The REMMI provides yet more opportunities for Singaporeans who wish to take on new challenges in new jobs, like Property Officers. This is particularly true when real estate management and maintenance plays a strategic role in preserving and enhancing real estate values. It ensures that building maintenance and operations reduces energy consumption, extends building life and supports environmental sustainability.
8 The quality of buildings and comfort and ambience in workplaces, health and tourist facilities and in homes reflects Singapore’s world-class city status. The costs of managing and maintaining buildings to sustain this global position is rising due to advancing technologies in new buildings, ageing of existing buildings and higher occupant expectations and demands.
9 Therefore, the REMMI needs a well-trained workforce equipped with multi-disciplinary and multi-tasking skills to collectively elevate the industry service standards, provide value-add and stabilise costs. There are many job opportunities available at all levels in REMMI. Singaporeans who are seeking employment are encouraged to join this growth industry and those who are employed are encouraged to acquire multi-disciplinary skills to multi-task and enhance their employability.
Jointly issued by:
Real Estate and Construction Centre, National Trades Union Congress, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, Singapore National Employers Federation
For media enquiries, please contact:
Goy Kae Lip
Corporate Communications Department
National Trades Union Congress
Tel: 6213 8184
Hp: 9792 0650
Name: Bahrin Bin Kassim
Designation : Property Officer
Company: Johnsons Control
Gender: Male Age: 37
Highest Educational Level: Diploma
Previous Occupation / Sector: Technical Officer
Current Sector: Real Estate Management & Maintenance Industry
1. After his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Bahrin started work with a manufacturing company in 1993 as a production technician for 3 years. He then joined LTA as a Technical Officer and worked with them for 9 years from 1996 to 2005 before he was retrenched in September 2005 as a result of company restructuring.
2. Over the next 4 months, he applied for positions such as Technicians, Property Officers and Fire Safety Officers in shipyards but was unsuccessful as they were reluctant to hire him as he lacked relevant working experience.
3. In Feb 2006, he chanced upon the Workforce Development Agency’s (WDA) article on the Property Officer Re-skilling programme . He applied for it through the Real Estate and Construction Centre (RECC). Despite the overwhelming response from 200 other interested participants, he cleared the stringent screening process and was interviewed by Johnson Controls (S) Pte Ltd, who in turn selected him to undergo the re-skilling programme. Upon Bahrin’s completion of the training, he would be offered a position within the company.
4. On 2 May 2006, Bahrin started work with them and was assigned to British Petroleum (BP) at Harbourfront Centre. To help him to settle into the job quickly, he was attached to learn from a team of Property Managers and Facilities Officers for a month performing daily routine checks on building defects and liaising with contractors on the maintenance work of the office.
5. Bahrin, who is now currently paid S$1,700 a month, is greatly appreciative of the programme which had given him a strong foundation for him to embark on this new career. Through the eight week Skills Redevelopment Programme course, he had widened his horizons widely significantly and gained great knowledge of the real estate management & maintenance industry. Even Even though it if it meant a pay cut and the adapting adaptation to a new working environment, Bahrin is confident that he will make his mark in this new job. He is now looking forward to more upgrading opportunities in the near future for his career advancement.
Name: Chng Mei Cheng
Designation: Property Officer
Gender: Female Age: 32
Highest Educational Level: Degree in Economics
Previous Occupation / Sector: Leasing/Admin Executive Dovline Investment P/L
Current Sector: Real Estate Management & Maintenance Industry
1. Mei Cheng joined Dovline Investment as an Admin/Leasing Executive after graduating from the Singapore Institute of Management in 1997. In this particular company which was often short-handed, Mei Cheng did not have a clearly defined list of job responsibilities. She often ended up taking on a variety of tasks such as collecting rental from tenants, co-ordinating building maintenance works and balancing of accounts. During the 8 years Mei Cheng was with Dovline, she earned an average income of $2,600 per month. In Sep 2005, Dovline sold off the building that Mei Cheng was working for and she found herself out of job.
2. It was also around the same period when she found out that she is expecting. Instead of rejoicing about having a child, she was busy searching for a job and worrying about the additional expenses that will come along the way. With only her husband supporting the family, it was difficult for them to cope.
3. Fortunately, a pleasant turn of events soon brought Mei Cheng relief. Dovline was a former client of Chan Kok Hong Property Consultants, and Mei Cheng had previously liaised with the Property Managers in Chan Kok Hong, during the course of her 8 years of work. Her plight came to the attention of Ms Angela Chan, Director of Corporate Services at Chan Kok Hong. Incidentally, Chan Kok Hong Property Consultants had committed to participate in the Property Officer Re-skilling Programme conducted by RECC, and funded by NTUC & WDA. Angela took this opportunity to recommend Mei Cheng, to attend the programme, and promised her a place in the firm upon the completion of the training.
4. Although Mei Cheng possesses some building maintenance knowledge, it was insufficient to perform the role of a Property Officer effectively, as it takes a pair of trained eyes to spot specific problems. Adjusting back to life as a student was a tough obstacle; the thought of quitting did cross her mind. However, for the sake of her family, she soldiered on. On a personal level, Mei Cheng is a well disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality. Throughout the course, Mei Cheng demonstrated great perseverance and initiative. She was not only interested in and motivated to learn the aspects of real estate management and maintenance, but took the opportunity to assimilate her own experiences into the course work. She able to develop her own ideas about topics discussed, and her company was there to give her all the support she needed. Her hard work did eventually pay off when not only did she pass the programme with flying colours, but was also the joint top student in the cohort.
5. The Real Estate & Maintenance Industry can be quite competitive and often tough for new recruits. Many new Property Officers enter the industry with high hopes, but drop out because they could not survive the pressure of dealing with clients. On the other hand, there are Property Officers who may handle pressure well, but lack the necessary creativity and people management skills. Fortunately, Chan Kok Hong Property Consultants recognized that Mei Cheng possesses many of the necessary qualities to succeed in this field. In addition, Mei Cheng’s desire to stay at the top of her game is clear as she consistently offers a fresh perspective and creative approach to projects.
6. Mei Cheng is now a roving property officer and is picking up additional technical knowledge through interactions with the more experienced property officers. Her close relationship with her mentors has helped her in the transition to this new work environment.
7. Mei Cheng is currently drawing a base salary of $2,000. Despite taking a pay cut, she is very glad to be working in one of the biggest property consultant firms in Singapore. Encouraged by the career prospect in this industry, she has decided to equip herself with a relevant degree in the near future.
Name: Chik Cheuy Nan Raymond
Designation: Trainee Property Officer
Gender: Male Age: 39
Highest Educational Level: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Previous Occupation / Sector: Infantry Officer, Singapore Armed Forces (6 Years), Operations Supervisor, Teck Lee Cleaning Services (8 yrs)
Current Sector: Real Estate Management & Maintenance Industry
1. After his Diploma, Raymond joined the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) as an Infantry Officer in 1986. During this 6 year stint, Raymond had a stable income of $2800 per month being involved in weapons training. In 1992, he decided to leave the SAF. He then tried his hand in sales and marketing with various companies and was paid an average of $2200 per month in this job.
2. In 1998, Raymond joined a Cleaning Services company as a Cleaning Supervisor. He facilitated the smooth operation of business and supervised teams of cleaners at various locations. In Jan 2006, he was retrenched as the company had lost major contracts and was forced to downsize. His take-home pay then was around $2,800 per month.
3. Being the sole breadwinner of the family, it was a huge setback for him and his family. With an 8-year old school-going child and wife as a homemaker, times were really tough. They relied on savings to get by but he knew it was not going to be sustainable.
4. He was actively seeking for a job and in Feb 2006, he applied through the Real Estate and Construction Centre (RECC) for the Property Officer Re-skilling programme. The programme received overwhelming response from over 200 interested participants. He cleared the stringent selection process and was job matched with Chesterton International Property Consultants. The Senior Executive Director offered him a sponsorship for training and a job upon successful completion of the training. Raymond subsequently embarked on a 8 weeks Skills Redevelopment programme, conducted by RECC, and funded by NTUC & WDA to prepare him for work in the real estate management and maintenance industry.
5. While Raymond had some cleaning knowledge and experience, he knew little about the wider scope of real estate management & maintenance. He was aware that in today’s knowledge driven economy, he needed to equip himself with the necessary skills to survive and thrive. Throughout his new endeavour, Raymond exemplified resilience, adaptability and showed willingness to embark on a new career; even if it meant learning new skills and accepting the uncertainties of a new work environment.
6. It is always difficult for someone to start out in a field he is new to. Furthermore, being a middle-aged man with absolutely no experience in this sector makes Raymond’s journey even harder. Fortunately, with the support of his loved ones, he managed to overcome the obstacles of attending full-time classes, taking exams and starting with a new company. A sign of his success in this endeavour is evidenced by him sharing the honour of joint top student in the cohort.
7. Raymond is currently attached to an experienced Senior Property Executive to assist him in understanding work procedures efficiently. He was able to put knowledge acquired in the REMMI course in practice while on the job. His manager, Patrick, felt that he had displayed a high level of enthusiasm in acquiring new skill sets. As a highly motivated and eloquent person, Raymond has been an asset in a great variety of work and more importantly, has the necessary attributes of a successful Property Officer. Raymond has shown that with the right attitude, it is possible to cross over to the Real Estate Management and Maintenance industry at any age. Raymond knows that if he works hard, he can expect career progression to Property Executive, Manager and even Director level positions.
Name: Mr Khoo
Designation: Property Officer
Company: EM Services
Gender: Male Age: 52
Highest Educational Level: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Previous Occupation / Sector: Maintenance Engineering
Note: Mr. Khoo is opened to be interviewed by the media but would like to request to keep his identity confidential.
1. Since 1996, Mr.Khoo worked as a Maintenance Engineer in a Japanese firm for over 9 years. He was paid S$2,100 monthly (including fixed allowances) and was given a company van to travel around. However, in Dec 2005, his company decided to relocate its plant to Malaysia, and Mr Khoo was laid off.
2. After he was retrenched, Mr. Khoo was confused and worried that he would face financial difficulties. He was the sole breadwinner, and his wife is a homemaker. He was very concerned about providing for his 2 children who were still schooling. Mr. Khoo also felt that his age could be a barrier in securing another stable career to keep his family going. But things changed after he saw a joint recruitment advertisement by NTUC & WDA for Re-skilled Property Officers.
3. On 6 January 2006, Mr. Khoo then decided he would just ‘try his luck’ by attending the recruitment briefing. During the session, he went through 2 interviews and a pre-employment psychological assessment. He was elated to receive a call from the Real Estate and Construction Centre (RECC), the Skills Redevelopment Programme training provider for the Real Estate Management & Maintenance Industry, for an interview with a prospective employer, EM Services Pte Ltd. His interview with EM Services was successful and he was given an opportunity to participate in the STEER- Train and Place Company Sponsored Property Officer Re-skilling Programme, conducted by RECC and funded by NTUC and WDA.
4. Having left school for more than 25 years, Mr. Khoo is extremely appreciative for this second chance at learning new skills. To gear himself up for the new challenges, he worked doubly hard to keep his mind alert, doing research in the library and surfing the internet to prepare him for the examination. Despite the difficulty in going back to school, and diving into books, he showed his willingness and enthusiasm to learn. During the training, though his family had to contend with his S$820 training allowances, he felt encouraged by their support that he felt he could cope with the changes in his life.
5. On 2 May 2006, Mr. Khoo started work with EM Services and was assigned to Holland – Bukit Panjang Town Council. To help him assimilate, he was put through a mentorship guidance arrangement for this first 6 months. His job scope, includes, but is not limited to, performing daily routine checks on building defects, as well as ensuring cleanliness around the properties he is entrusted to manage and maintain. He has since picked up new knowledge, e.g. preparing work orders and dealing with contractors, to ensure pleasant estate surroundings for the Zhenghua constituency.
6. Mr. Khoo, who is now currently paid S$1,800 a month, is greatly appreciative to the tripartite partners for giving him a new hope in life to branch out into a new career. He shared that during his eight-week Skills Redevelopment Programme at RECC, he got along well with his classmates and lecturers, sharing a lot of laughter and memorable moments together. He also built up new friendships through the tough learning process as most of his classmates are in the same age-band as him.