The Labour Movement edged a step closer to achieving its $10 million fund-raising target for 2011 through its latest `Breadwinners - We Care,U Care’ campaign which will see some 130,000 beneficiaries being aided through the Labour Movement’s U Care Fund.
The event held on 22 June 2011 at FairPrice Xtra@nex was jointly launched by NTUC FairPrice Co-operative Limited and U Care Fund to raise $1 million to help low income workers cope with the rising cost of living.
This two-week campaign from 22 June 2011 to 5 July 2011 will be aimed at encouraging FairPrice customers and members of the Labour Movement to show their appreciation and support to help low-income workers cope with the rising cost of living through the purchase of FairPrice housebrand bread.
With every purchased loaf of FairPrice housebrand bread, FairPrice Foundation will donate $5 to the U Care Fund. With this, FairPrice Foundation has pledged to donate $1 million to the U Care Fund. Officiating the launch of the campaign was NTUC FairPrice CEO (Singapore) Seah Kian Peng and NTUC Care and Share Alignment Director Zainudin Nordin.
Mr Seah said: “We understand that with the rising cost of living, breadwinners, especially those of low income families, will need more support in providing for their families.
As part of the NTUC family, we want to help low income workers cope with the rising cost of living. Through the `Breadwinners-We Care, U Care’ Campaign, FairPrice hopes to spread the spirit of compassion by involving our customers to be a part of the journey in building a better community…”
Speaking on the campaign and NTUC Care and Share’s various programmes in place, Mr Zainudin shared: “The campaign is, in my view, a show of force from our partners like FairPrice and the unions and also NTUC to ensure that our workers are continuously assisted wherever they face challenges and we want to be as focused as possible in ensuring that the family remains intact just like this breadwinner campaign.”
Present at the event was beneficiary Mohamed Hairi, a senior technician who is the sole bread winner of his family that includes four children. He also has to deal with health issues, having to undergo his kidney dialysis frequently. His 16-year-old son is also being taken care of by his wife after being diagnosed with epilepsy.He believes that that the financial support he receives has lightened his burden. “The U Care (vouchers) is really helping my family,” he said.
Unions such as Metal Industries Workers’ Union (MIWU) and United Workers of Petroleum Industry (UWPI) have also been quick to lend a hand in support of the campaign by purchasing over 1700 and 400 loaves of bread respectively.
During the event, FairPrice also announced the three winners of the Breadwinners Photo Competition based on the theme `Breadwinners – We Care, We Share’. Each winner received $200 in FairPrice vouchers.