Model ID: 7bd3b6b5-ff10-42be-9a01-2abf1f7ad7fc Sitecore Context Id: 7bd3b6b5-ff10-42be-9a01-2abf1f7ad7fc;

Rallying Singapore

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong makes special mention of PAP’s close ties with Labour Movement at the PAP60 Rally.
Model ID: 7bd3b6b5-ff10-42be-9a01-2abf1f7ad7fc Sitecore Context Id: 7bd3b6b5-ff10-42be-9a01-2abf1f7ad7fc;
09 Dec 2014
Model ID: 7bd3b6b5-ff10-42be-9a01-2abf1f7ad7fc Sitecore Context Id: 7bd3b6b5-ff10-42be-9a01-2abf1f7ad7fc;

By Ramesh Subbaraman and Florina Oo


“Brothers and Sisters from NTUC” – That was how Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong welcomed representatives of the Labour Movement when he kicked off his speeches in Mandarin and English at the PAP60 Rally held on 7 December 2014 at the Singapore Expo Convention Centre.

The Rally was the finale in a series of celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of the People’s Action Party (PAP). PM Lee, who is also the Party’s Secretary-General, delivered a wide-ranging speech on the theme ’Forward Together, A Brighter Tomorrow’.

He emphasised that the PAP will be a national party for all Singaporeans where it has a special, symbiotic relationship with the Labour Movement.

The Early Years

PM Lee explained PAP’s ties with the Labour Movement go back to Singapore’s first PM, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He represented the Postmen’s Union in their strike in February 1952 and won their confidence and trust.

“When he launched the PAP in 1954, the unions were firmly with him,” said PM Lee.

He stressed that the Party must continue to champion the interests of workers. With tripartism in Singapore, workers, employers and the government work together for the nation’s growth, prosperity and progress.

PM Lee added the PAP must also look after the different segments of society – professionals, employers, the young and the old, housewives as well as working people and people of all races, languages and religions.

A Nation of Opportunity

In his hour-long Rally speech, PM Lee also emphasised the importance of education and training to ensure Singapore continues to progress.

He pointed out that both the PAP and NTUC are playing a part to provide the best possible start for children, with the PAP Community Foundation (PCF) and NTUC First Campus upgrading the kindergartens and building more child-care centres.

This is to ensure that every family can afford good childcare and preschool.

Beyond the schools, PM Lee said the recently-announced SkillsFuture Council, led by Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, allow people to continue to get educated and upgrade themselves after leaving school and after starting work.

CEC elections

Prior to the Rally, the Party also held its Conference where elections were held for the Central Executive Committee (CEC) for the term 2015-2016.

Among those elected to the CEC: PM Lee; his two Deputies Teo Chee Hean and Tharman Shanmugaratnam; Minister Khaw Boon Wan, NTUC Secretary-General Lim Swee Say, who is also Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office; and several Cabinet Ministers. SG Lim was the Party’s Treasurer in the previous CEC.

The NTUC Delegation to the PAP60 Rally was led by President Diana Chia and included several members from the Central Committee, senior union leaders and Young NTUC.

Source: NTUC This Week
