Model ID: 900c5958-012d-4bee-b83d-1d9d5e69fd4e Sitecore Context Id: 900c5958-012d-4bee-b83d-1d9d5e69fd4e;

President Tony Tan celebrates May Day with Labour Movement

Our labour unions have evolved over the years to address the needs of our workers in the different stages of Singapore’s economic growth.
Model ID: 900c5958-012d-4bee-b83d-1d9d5e69fd4e Sitecore Context Id: 900c5958-012d-4bee-b83d-1d9d5e69fd4e;
29 May 2014
Model ID: 900c5958-012d-4bee-b83d-1d9d5e69fd4e Sitecore Context Id: 900c5958-012d-4bee-b83d-1d9d5e69fd4e;

As part of the May Day celebrations, President Tony Tan Keng Yam hosted a tea reception for the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Central Committee and key union leaders from 61 unions and associations at the Istana this afternoon. More than 70 union leaders from the industrial, services and public sectors chatted and exchanged candid views with President Tony Tan who expressed his appreciation for their dedication and hard work for our workers, economy and society.

Posting on his Facebook page after the reception, President Tony Tan said, “Our labour unions have evolved over the years to address the needs of our workers in the different stages of Singapore’s economic growth. As part of the tripartite system in Singapore, our unions play a key role in ensuring that Singapore continues to have the conditions that allow our workers to be employed, and achieve their potential through opportunities to upgrade and enjoy wage increases.

“I met with several union leaders and representatives from NTUC over tea this afternoon to thank them for their dedication and encourage them to continue in their very meaningful task of promoting the welfare of our workers.”

On behalf of the Labour Movement, NTUC President Diana Chia thanked President Tony Tan for the recognition and encouragement he has given to the union leaders.

President Diana Chia said, “Our union leaders treasured this opportunity to have a good chat with President Tony Tan. He is caring and understands the aspirations of the workers well. His recognition of the role played by the unions means a lot to us all in the Labour Movement. We really appreciate his listening ear and encouragement. We are fortunate to have such a caring President.”


