Model ID: 5cdbc522-6239-4994-afc0-647ee125896b Sitecore Context Id: 5cdbc522-6239-4994-afc0-647ee125896b;

Precision Engineering ITM Updates

The availability of new advanced equipment and the Labour Movement’s efforts are among the latest developments since the ITM was launched in October 2016.
Model ID: 5cdbc522-6239-4994-afc0-647ee125896b Sitecore Context Id: 5cdbc522-6239-4994-afc0-647ee125896b;
By Avelyn Ng  Photo A*STAR 15 Sep 2017
Model ID: 5cdbc522-6239-4994-afc0-647ee125896b Sitecore Context Id: 5cdbc522-6239-4994-afc0-647ee125896b;

The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) made 19 types of equipment available to advanced manufacturing companies through its launch of the Tech Access initiative on 8 September 2017.

Under Tech Access, companies can receive training and technical advice on how to use the equipment effectively. These could be carried out through activities such as small-scale feasibility studies and prototyping projects.

This comes after A*STAR revealed at its inaugural Future of Manufacturing (FoM) Summit on 5 September 2017 that the two model factories outlined in the Precision Engineering Industry Transformation Map (ITM) will be ready in fourth quarter of 2017 and first quarter of 2018 respectively.

The model factory at the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) will feature a live small-scale production line to demonstrate how advanced technologies operate in a real-life environment for manufacturers at the beginning of their FoM journey. The model factory at the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC), on the other hand, will target larger or heavy engineering companies looking to build smart and virtual capabilities.

At least half of A*STAR’s 1,800 industrial projects in 2016 were related to manufacturing across key sectors such as precision engineering.

Ground-up Efforts

Metal Industries Workers’ Union (MIWU) Deputy Executive Secretary Timothy Phang explained that smart factories involve technologies to improve processes through automation and artificial intelligence.

“The machines are digitalised, interconnected, and equipped with sensors and sophisticated software. Robots operate autonomously but interact with one another. There will be more human-machine collaboration at the workplace. Workers will need to work alongside these ‘new colleagues’, be trained to handle user interfaces, and acquire cross-industry skillsets to value-add to their core functions.

MIWU has been raising awareness about industry disruptions among its union leaders and management partners, so they can take the lead and ride through the economic transformation with workers on the ground.

“Our leaders have gone for a learning journey to Green Point and Siemens plants at Chengdu and attended a novice course to understand more about Industry 4.0 and robotics. As part of the NTUC’s Electronics and Precision and Machinery Engineering cluster, MIWU had also invited management partners to attend a seminar organised by NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) for the Economic Development Board to share more on the Precision Engineering ITM,” shared Mr Phang.

Opportunities Ahead

According to NTUC’s Future Jobs, Skills and Training (FJST) capability and Industry Transformation & Productivity department, the output of the precision modules and components segment increased 13.2 per cent in May 2017. About 3,000 professional jobs related to digital manufacturing such as robot coordinators and industrial data scientists are expected to be created by 2020.

Mr Phang observed: “Businesses from medical and semiconductor companies for metal fabrication, precision engineering, and machinery and systems continue to be positively strong.”

Fresh graduates, job-seekers and career-switchers can find training and placement programmes listed in the FJST infographic.

Good to Know

Know a company that wants to get on board Industry 4.0? Find out more about A*STAR’s 19 cutting-edge technologies at:

  • ARTC
  • SIMTech
  • Industrial Additive Manufacturing Facility (New!)

For more details and registration, please visit A*STAR's Tech Access page.