Model ID: d1e96d83-54b5-46bc-9f1b-80656d19f04b Sitecore Context Id: d1e96d83-54b5-46bc-9f1b-80656d19f04b;

[Ponder] Great Possibilities with Technology Crossover

As workers, what new skills do we need to learn, to build on top of what we have?
Model ID: d1e96d83-54b5-46bc-9f1b-80656d19f04b Sitecore Context Id: d1e96d83-54b5-46bc-9f1b-80656d19f04b;
22 Jan 2018
Model ID: d1e96d83-54b5-46bc-9f1b-80656d19f04b Sitecore Context Id: d1e96d83-54b5-46bc-9f1b-80656d19f04b;

With technology, many things that we never dreamed were possible in the past, are now possible! Overseas companies looking to expand in Singapore can look to tap on technologies in existing industries to create enhanced solutions.

Do you know that electronics giant Panasonic runs one of the largest indoor farms, in a factory in Singapore? The company has combined its technological and manufacturing expertise to develop a sustainable agriculture system within an indoor environment.

With advance technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence becoming transferable across some industries, workers will also stand to benefit as Singapore has an existing base of industries and skills to build on. What can the Labour Movement do to help workers prepare for jobs in these growth sectors? As workers, what new skills do we need to learn, to build on top of what we have?
