Model ID: dba2fd56-d188-42df-a17c-03f81a2f04c1 Sitecore Context Id: dba2fd56-d188-42df-a17c-03f81a2f04c1;

Placement and Training Avenues in the Labour Movement

Facing retrenchment, out of a job and need new skills to remain relevant? The Labour Movement is here to help all workers ease through thick and thin work-related situations. We look at the various avenues workers can go to.
Model ID: dba2fd56-d188-42df-a17c-03f81a2f04c1 Sitecore Context Id: dba2fd56-d188-42df-a17c-03f81a2f04c1;
By Shukry Rashid 17 Oct 2016
Model ID: dba2fd56-d188-42df-a17c-03f81a2f04c1 Sitecore Context Id: dba2fd56-d188-42df-a17c-03f81a2f04c1;

Where to go, what to do and how to plan your career can be confusing. Especially so when life gets in the way of being able to sit down and chart your own personal roadmap.

To help put all that into perspective and make a new job search or skills upgrading a little easier, we’ve put together a little visual guide on some go-to spots for all your placement, training and career support needs.