Model ID: 0039caa2-e9e2-477f-a82d-040a7cf560f4 Sitecore Context Id: 0039caa2-e9e2-477f-a82d-040a7cf560f4;

Pay Hike for Tower Transit Employees

Tower Transit Singapore new employees will benefit from a salary increase after a successful annual wage increment negotiation.
Model ID: 0039caa2-e9e2-477f-a82d-040a7cf560f4 Sitecore Context Id: 0039caa2-e9e2-477f-a82d-040a7cf560f4;
By Fawwaz Baktee 10 Jul 2017
Model ID: 0039caa2-e9e2-477f-a82d-040a7cf560f4 Sitecore Context Id: 0039caa2-e9e2-477f-a82d-040a7cf560f4;

Some 800 Tower Transit Singapore staff, including bus captains and vehicle technicians, will benefit from a 3.7 per cent annual salary increase after successful negotiations between the bus company and the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU). This was announced in a statement by the company on 10 July 2017.

With the increase, the basic pay for new Singaporean or permanent resident bus captains will cross the $2,000 mark.

“Bus captains’ wages have come a long way since 2015 when we entered the Singapore market. This increment is yet another milestone for us and the NTWU as it brings wages for new Singaporean bus captains past the $2,000 for the first time. It also ensures our staff’s wages keep pace with that of other Singaporeans,” said Tower Transit Singapore Managing Director Andrew Bujtor. 

The increment is higher than the 3.5 per cent announced when the company started operating in Singapore on 29 May 2016. The latest wage increase will be applied retroactively from 1 May 2017.

NTWU Executive Secretary Melvin Yong said: “When it comes to negotiations relating to wages, the union usually considers factors like industry trends, outlook and company performance so that any adjustment helps to keep the wages of workers competitive and more importantly, sustainable in the long run.

“While the basic salary helps to set a certain benchmark for a job, it is also important that the company continues to work with the union to develop and review appropriate training and progressive career roadmaps, as well as put in place conducive and safe work environments to enhance the job value.”