Model ID: 55cde832-19d8-48ef-8902-95e9777a4e02 Sitecore Context Id: 55cde832-19d8-48ef-8902-95e9777a4e02;

PWM: Wage Increase, Specialist Track and Enhanced Skills Ladder for Landscape Maintenance Workers

With higher base wages and the introduction of a new specialist career path, the Tripartite Cluster for the Landscape Industry hopes to attract more young locals into the industry.
Model ID: 55cde832-19d8-48ef-8902-95e9777a4e02 Sitecore Context Id: 55cde832-19d8-48ef-8902-95e9777a4e02;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 20 Aug 2021
Model ID: 55cde832-19d8-48ef-8902-95e9777a4e02 Sitecore Context Id: 55cde832-19d8-48ef-8902-95e9777a4e02;

Graduating students thinking of joining the horticultural maintenance industry can now expect better pay and work prospects with the Tripartite Cluster for the Landscape Industry’s (TCL’s) latest set of recommendations.

They include higher base wages, a new specialist track for students with the necessary institute of higher learning (IHL) qualifications, as well as enhanced mandatory training requirements for job roles on the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) skills ladder.

The TCL’s latest recommendations were announced at a press conference at Gardens by the Bay on 20 August 2021.

NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Chee Hong Tat, together with Manpower Senior Minister of State Zaqy Mohamad, and Singapore National Employers Federation Deputy Honorary Secretary Felix Loh chaired the conference.

The Ministry of Manpower accepted the recommendations of the TCL, following the announcement.

The TCL’s latest set of recommendations aims to support the industry’s transformation efforts, ensuring it continues to remain vibrant with a strong Singaporean core.

Mr Chee said that the PWM has been benefitting workers in the industry since its inception in 2015.

 “With support from tripartite partners, we are now further extending the base wage increases by an average of 6.3 per cent per year from 2022 to 2028. We are also providing skills upgrading pathways. These moves will not only raise the earnings and skills of existing workers, they will also help landscape companies to attract more young Singaporeans and mid-career entrants,” he said.

The Recommendations

Increase in Baseline Wages

From 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2029, under the PWM for the landscape maintenance industry, the TCL has recommended a six-year schedule of baseline wage increases for all the PWM job roles.

This will bring the compounded annual growth rate of the PWM baseline wages to 6.3 per cent, which is double the minimum 3 per cent annual increase announced in 2018.

This increase is expected to benefit more than 3,000 existing resident landscape maintenance workers already in the industry.

New Specialist Track

In January 2021, the Government accepted the TCL’s recommendation to introduce a Specialist Track under the PWM Career Ladder.

As part of the Specialist Track, two new job roles of Landscape Specialist and Senior Landscape Specialist were created. This will take effect from 1 July 2023.

The track will allow students who graduate with the necessary IHL qualifications to enter the industry without having to start their careers as landscape workers.

This is part of the TCL’s ongoing efforts to professionalise the sector, attract new and younger entrants to the industry and strengthen the Singapore core workforce.

Enhanced PWM Skills Ladder

With effect from 1 July 2023, all PWM job roles will require the same number of mandatory Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) modules to be completed.

This is to ensure new entrants receive adequate training at each job level.

NTUC Assistant Director-General Zainal Sapari, who chairs the TCL, said: “These recommendations were made after extensive discussion with key industry stakeholders with the intention of supporting the industry’s transformation plan and ensuring we have a skilled Singapore Core. It is therefore important that landscape employees are duly recognised as professionals in their respective fields, and the wages commensurate with their skills and competencies.

“I urge all landscape maintenance employees to continue to stay relevant by being open to learning new methods to ensure a high degree of professionalism.”