Model ID: 2c123db5-1157-4efa-a307-0eef0cc3cb10 Sitecore Context Id: 2c123db5-1157-4efa-a307-0eef0cc3cb10;

PAP Rally 5 December 2004, Speech by Mr Lim Boon Heng, Party Chairman

PAP Rally 5 December 2004, Speech by Mr Lim Boon Heng, Party Chairman
Model ID: 2c123db5-1157-4efa-a307-0eef0cc3cb10 Sitecore Context Id: 2c123db5-1157-4efa-a307-0eef0cc3cb10;
By PAP Rally 5 December 2004, Speech Mr Lim Boon Heng, Party Chairman  01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 2c123db5-1157-4efa-a307-0eef0cc3cb10 Sitecore Context Id: 2c123db5-1157-4efa-a307-0eef0cc3cb10;

Comrades, I thank my colleagues in the Central Executive Committee for their trust and confidence, to elect me as Party Chairman.  Today, as we marked the 50th Anniversary of our Party, I ask you to express our appreciation for the men of substance who, with passion and dedication, played this role before me – Comrade Dr Toh Chin Chye, the late Comrade Ong Teng Cheong, and in particular Comrade Dr Tony Tan who made way for the renewal of the Party leadership.

As we look forward, I cannot but help recall the words of our Founding Chairman, Dr Toh Chin Chye.  He said:

“….we should…learn the lessons of the past, the struggles, the trials and tribulations which we faced in opposition and in the early years when we formed the Government. For it is only by understanding the past, that we can hope to seek the answers for the future.”

Indeed, we can draw some lessons from the inaugural meeting of our Party at the Victoria Memorial Hall. 

12 persons convened the meeting. Of the 12, 3 were Malays, 3 were Indians and 6 were Chinese. The Party’s ideal was manifestly clear: that it is a Party for all races. It was one of the convenors – Comrade S Rajaratnam – who composed our National Pledge that enshrined the equality of all races as our national ideal.  To this day our Party remains steadfast to this ideal.

The Party was for people of all walks of life.  The convenors were professionals, unionists and workers. But I note that 7, if not 8, of the 12 were unionists.  The eighth person was listed as a worker. Clearly the mass base of the Party was in the unions.  

Two weeks ago, on 21 November 2004, Founding Secretary-General Comrade Lee Kuan Yew said at the commemoration ceremony at the Victoria Concert Hall: 

“ …There were two areas that the founding generation of PAP leaders paid special attention to: first, the workers and their trade unions, and second, our minorities.  Because of our mass base in the unions, we have always stood with the workers.  …  We had to grow the economic pie and encourage businesses to create employment, so as to collect taxes in order to subsidise their health, housing and education needs.  We must never change that basic position.   ….Second, we must care for our minority communities. …..historical experience has embedded in our party an awareness of never allowing the majority community, the Chinese, to unwittingly ignore the interests of our minorities…”

Comrades, there are two other characteristics of our Party.

One is “action”, our middle name.  The Party believes in action.  Coming to power with a deficit in the Treasury, the Party still got things done. Leading a developing country, our Party did not ask for aid, but sought investments and trade.  We were determined to earn our living, not live off the charity of others. With no natural resources, our goods and services had to be cheaper and better than anyone else. The Party in Government was thrifty, yet brought improvements to the people.  Party leaders and activists went down to the ground, organized numerous “gotong royong” projects.  I was just a boy when the Party activists organized the people to convert the mud-tracks in our kampong into firmer roads.  In so doing, the Party leaders imbibed in us a spirit of self-reliance.

The other characteristic is integrity.  From the outset, strict standards of integrity were set.  Our Party did not tolerate corruption.  Those who transgressed were punished, and openly.  This strict enforcement of standards saved us from the problems that have afflicted many developing countries.

Comrades, these were the values on which our Party was founded. Our Party symbol represents these values. The blue circle stands for unity of all races; the red flash represents action; and the white background signifies purity and integrity.

Founding Chairman Dr Toh had faith that these values would stand the test of time.  He said:

“Those who are going to follow after us will be committed fully to the principles under which the Party was formed in 1954…..”

Comrades, at this Rally, let us return to our roots.  Let us re-dedicate ourselves to the values our Founders set:

That our Party is for all, regardless of race or religion.
That our Party is for the people, the vast majority of whom are workers.
That we shall be self-reliant and disciplined.
That we will not just talk, but do.

Let us remember also the lessons that our founding leaders and early members learnt, fighting the keenly contested elections of the early years.  If the ground was not with us, no amount of organization would turn the tide.

Therefore our Party leaders and activists have to be close to the ground. Our platform should represent the aspirations of the people. Then the people will identify with the Party, and our Party will be the Party of choice.  In a rally after the Party won the elections in 1959, then Secretary-General Comrade Lee Kuan Yew said: “The new Government has no future apart from the future of the people.” Since 1959, in successive elections, we have been the Party of choice, the Party of the people.

Our future lies in continuing to stay close to the ground.  Our Party should comprise persons representing all sectors of society. As we bring into our fold the increasing numbers of professionals and executives, let us not forget the workers and the unions.  The unions have been our mass base, and today they still are.  Comrades, today we have 1,000 unionists here with us.  Just as the unionists 50 years ago showed up in force to show their support for the Party, they are here to represent the union movement demonstrating their support for the Party today. So let us reaffirm our close symbiotic ties.

And as we bring in the young, let us not forget the old who built this Party, and this nation. Of the economic pie that we create, they should have their share; of the social progress that we make, they should have their place.
We shall continue to be the Party of the people, working for the people.

Comrades, we have marked our 50th year with a series of events.  We acknowledge the efforts of activists, volunteers, branches who have contributed to the celebrations – from the launch of the Policy Forum by SM Goh, then PM Goh, and culminating in this Rally.  In between, we had two PCF functions, the YP at Zouk, the Book Launch, the Dinner, the Commemoration of the Inauguration of the PAP at Victoria Concert Hall, the Women’s Wing’s launch of Wings. In addition, districts and some branches also organized their own celebrations. Branches contributed funds and volunteers.  Comrades, on behalf of the Central Executive Committee, I extend to each and everyone, a big “Thank You”!


