Model ID: 2481fc1f-f885-4f2c-b045-568c3920b6fd Sitecore Context Id: 2481fc1f-f885-4f2c-b045-568c3920b6fd;

Over 100,000 Applications for U Care Fund To Date

Upon the quick roll-out of four of the Labour Movements assistance programmes, 103,610 members will soon benefit from the Labour Movement U Care fund, with over $10 million being distributed to help workers in need.
Model ID: 2481fc1f-f885-4f2c-b045-568c3920b6fd Sitecore Context Id: 2481fc1f-f885-4f2c-b045-568c3920b6fd;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 2481fc1f-f885-4f2c-b045-568c3920b6fd Sitecore Context Id: 2481fc1f-f885-4f2c-b045-568c3920b6fd;

Over 100,000 Applications for U Care Fund To Date


25 July 2009




1 Upon the quick roll-out of four of the Labour Movement’s assistance programmes, 103,610 members will soon benefit from the Labour Movement U Care fund, with over $10 million being distributed to help workers in need. The four programmes (in Table A) have seen good take-up rates, especially the U Care Immediate Assistance (UCIA), which is a relief programme for retrenched workers, workers on shorter work week, and workers on temporary layoffs who are facing difficulties. With assistance ranging from $100 to $300, 82% of the $6.5 million funds set aside for UCIA has already been issued to the unions. Most of the workers who received the assistance were on shorter work week.


Extension of U Stretch Vouchers Application Deadline

2 Out of the $15.6 million for the four programmes above, about 70% of the funds has since been issued to the unions, which will in turn place the financial assistance in the hands of the workers. However, the Labour Movement also recognises that there may be some members who have missed the application deadline and as such, union members who have not yet applied for the U Stretch vouchers can still do so as the application deadline has been extended to 31 August 2009


3 The U Stretch vouchers are discount vouchers that maximise the union member's expenditure with discounts from the NTUC Family of social enterprises. Ordinary Branch union members may apply through their respective unions while General Branch members can download the application forms from They can also obtain the application forms from the NTUC Customer Service Centre located at No. 1, Marina Boulevard, #B1-01. Enquiries may be directed to NTUC Hotline at 6213 8008


4 NTUC Care and Share Director, Mr Zainudin Nordin said, “It is with great haste that we are putting the funds raised into the hands of our workers because we know that they need it most during this period. Due to the downturn this year, we have also been most flexible with application deadlines and done away with bureaucratic processes so that more workers can benefit from the programmes within the shortest time. We hope that the extension of the U Stretch deadline to 31 August 2009 will ease the burden of more members who are actually eligible for this discount scheme.”


5 Since end April 2009, Mr Ho Yang Seng suffered a wage cut of $100 per month. The wage cut will last for six months. As the sole breadwinner, it was difficult for him to support his wife, who is a breast cancer patient, and a son who is currently studying in junior college. His union, Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU), helped him to immediately apply for the UCIA and U Stretch vouchers when the programmes were rolled out at the end of May. By June, Mr Ho received $80 worth of U Stretch, and subsequently in July, he was given $200 worth of UCIA and another $200 worth of a bursary award for his son


6 Mr Ho Yang Seng said, “Although I suffered a pay cut, I did not cut the allowances for my wife and son. We therefore spend more time at home and no longer go out as often. To me, the total assistance of $480 is a helpful sum for my wife's household expenses. I have been a union member for eight years, and I am glad to be offered such help at a time when I need it most.”


NTUC General Branch (GB) Scholarship Award and Education Grant 2009

7 In addition, the U Care Bursary/Scholarship TOP-UP scheme has reached out to an additional 422 members' children through the NTUC General Branch (GB) Scholarship Award and Education Grant 2009, benefiting a total of 1,419 students this year. Since its inception in 1996, this is the highest number of awards and grants ever distributed. Last year, 997 awards were given out. Ranging from $100 to $1,000, the total amount given out at today's ceremony for both award categories is $213,500. For a breakdown of the number of recipients and amount given out for each award category, please refer to Annex B


8 50-year-old Madam Hawabi Binte Abdul Kader, who has been a union member since 2006, shared her thoughts. ”My daughter is receiving a $100 education grant for the second time this year, which she uses to pay for her school supplies. I hope that this also encourages her to work hard at her studies.” Madam Hawabi is a single mother and is currently unemployed due to a medical condition


9 Looking forward, the U Care fund will also be benefiting more children and the elderly from lower-income families through the NTUC First Campus Bright Horizons Fund and the NTUC Eldercare Trust. Each charity will receive $1.1 million from the U Care fund to support its programmes and activities that will aid lower-income families who are affected by the downturn


Mr Zainudin Nordin
NTUC Care and Share Director

