Model ID: ebfdb0e3-32b2-4fe8-97f4-9fb96a64481b Sitecore Context Id: ebfdb0e3-32b2-4fe8-97f4-9fb96a64481b;

Opening remarks by NTUC President Sister Mary Liew at the #Everyworkermatters Conversations conclusion event held on 29 september 2023 at Stephen Riady auditorium, NTUC Centre

Model ID: ebfdb0e3-32b2-4fe8-97f4-9fb96a64481b Sitecore Context Id: ebfdb0e3-32b2-4fe8-97f4-9fb96a64481b;
29 Sep 2023
Model ID: ebfdb0e3-32b2-4fe8-97f4-9fb96a64481b Sitecore Context Id: ebfdb0e3-32b2-4fe8-97f4-9fb96a64481b;
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Brother Lawrence Wong 
Brother Ng Chee Meng, Secretary-General, NTUC 
Brother Robert Yap, President, SNEF 
Brother Zaqy Mohamad, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Manpower 
Fellow Central Committee Members 
Tripartite Partners 
Sisters and Brothers 
Thank you for taking time to join us this afternoon. Your presence here is a testament to the spirit of Tripartism, unity and collaboration that defines the Labour Movement.

We are very grateful that you are here today.A Historic Refreshing of Our Promise to Workers 
Today is a historical moment for NTUC. It reminds me of our 1969 Modernization Seminar which was a turning point for the Labour Movement. We also just celebrated NTUC’s birthday earlier this month.

Since our founding 62 years ago, we have been consistently championing workers’ interests because every worker matters to us.

It has been a memorable journey - we have made great strides over the past decades and I am delighted that NTUC today can launch a Workers’ Compact and that is something that is very historical like I mentioned – one that renews our commitment to advocate for workers’ rights and our unchanging resolve to chart a better future for our workers in Singapore! 
Reflect on the key achievements and highlights of the #EWMC engagement process 
The success of #EveryWorkerMatters Conversations (#EWMC) has come a long way, in fact it reflects the contributions of all our partners – in fact, many of you are represented in the audience today.  

We are glad that through #EveryWorkerMatters Conversations (#EWMC), we strengthened, renewed and seeded new partnerships. And there are many many things we have done together and will continue to do so. Thank you for journeying alongside us in the process.

And of course this afternoon, we are very honoured to have DPM Brother Lawrence with us today, amidst his busy schedule. Brother Lawrence believes in the work that NTUC does, and that meant a lot to us and recognises the importance of the workers’ compact to the broader social compact in the Forward SG movement. We look forward to working very closely with you.

We also have strong representation from our tripartite partners - the SNEF team led by Brother Robert Yap and the MOM team led by SMS Brother Zaqy. We greatly appreciate MOM and SNEF’s support and look forward to closely working together with all of you in realising the Workers’ Compact.

I strongly encourage all of you to engage DPM brother Lawrence and our tripartite partners during our Dialogue later. Highlight that #EWMC has been a “whole of NTUC” effort. 
The #EveryWorkerMatters Conversations (#EWMC) process was truly an extensive year-long consultation process. We set a very ambitious plan in August last year. We have managed to engage over 42,000 participants from different walks of life.

This has truly been a “whole of NTUC” effort, and this would not have been possible without all of you and it is because of your input. Not forgetting our NTUC Enterprises and social enterprises like NTUC Health for all of your input so thank you.

It is truly amazing what we have achieved, and it is all thanks to the dedication and selflessness of our staff, union leaders, volunteers and ambassadors. Without your tireless efforts, #EveryWorkerMatters Conversations (#EWMC) would not be where it is today. I want to express my deepest heartfelt appreciation to all the volunteers who gave up their weeknights and weekends to go above and beyond the call of duty. Your hard work and sacrifice have made a huge difference, and we are all grateful for your contributions.

As a result, NTUC was able to engage over double our original target audience, from 20,ooo to beyond, to engage more workers of different segments. I am incredibly proud of all our sisters and brothers for their dedication and passion.

When I speak to many of them, they shared about the purpose they see in reaching out so that workers on the ground know: NTUC cares. Your voice matters. We have your back. We want to champion your cause.

As we renew our promise today, our Compact with Workers, let us also remember this spirit and the sense of mission with which we went about with #EveryWorkerMatters Conversations (#EWMC).

It is the foundation for the progress that we have achieved today.

The strength of our conviction and the goodwill of our strong relationships will go a long way in helping us to translate our Workers Compact into Action!

For you. With you. Taking action together!