Model ID: 1158dad7-af0f-4bc8-a375-10a923f8af93 Sitecore Context Id: 1158dad7-af0f-4bc8-a375-10a923f8af93;

Opening address by Mr John De PayVa, President, National Trades Union Congress, at the Opening Ceremony of the National Trades Union Congress National Delegates Conference 2007

Singapore has seen strong economic growth for the past two years. More recently, the GDP grew by 9.4% in the third quarter of 2007. We are on track to meet the 7.0 8.0% growth forecast.
Model ID: 1158dad7-af0f-4bc8-a375-10a923f8af93 Sitecore Context Id: 1158dad7-af0f-4bc8-a375-10a923f8af93;
By Opening address Mr John De PayVa, President, National Trades Union Congress, at the Opening Ceremony of the National Trades Union Congress National Delegates’ Conference 2007, held at the Orchid Country Club, on 29 October 2007, 9.00 am  25 Nov 2010
Model ID: 1158dad7-af0f-4bc8-a375-10a923f8af93 Sitecore Context Id: 1158dad7-af0f-4bc8-a375-10a923f8af93;

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Mr Lim Swee Say, Secretary-General, NTUC, and Minister, Prime Minister’s Office
Mr Lim Boon Heng, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office
Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Manpower
Mr Bob Tan, Vice President, Singapore National Employers Federation
NTUC Central Committee Members
Union Advisors
Delegates and Observers
Brother and Sisters from the International Labour Movement
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen

Welcome to the NTUC National Delegates Conference 2007.

1. Singapore has seen strong economic growth for the past two years. More recently, the GDP grew by 9.4% in the third quarter of 2007.  We are on track to meet the 7.0 – 8.0% growth forecast.

2. The labour market is also doing well and job creation is at an all-time high.  Continuing the strong job growth in 2006 where 176,000 jobs were created, 113,800 jobs were created in the first half of 2007.  Overall unemployment rate dropped to 2.3% in June 2007.

3. This is good news to all workers in Singapore.  The economy and the job market look promising and outlook is bright for workers.  However, the competition is never far behind.  To stay ahead of the competition, while staying together as a cohesive society, we need to adapt to changes in the fast changing landscape, and respond with strategies that will continue to improve the lives of workers.

4. In August last year, the labour movement set out a bold vision – Labour Movement 2011 (LM2011).  The LM2011 vision aims to work towards a better and more meaningful life where working people of all collars, all ages and all nationalities can work, live and play together.  This is in line with the government’s call for a competitive economy and inclusive society.  We have achieved some promising early successes, thanks to all the contributions of each and every member of the labour movement.  Our Secretary-General Brother Lim Swee Say will provide more details in his presentation later.

5. Throughout the LM2011 journey so far, we were also heartened by the support and co-operation of key partners of the labour movement.  This is only possible through the robust, harmonious and positive industrial relations climate that we have achieved in Singapore.  Indeed, our strong tripartite relationship is a competitive advantage for Singapore, one that many others will find hard to emulate or replicate.  Today, we are happy to welcome our friends from both the Government and employer federation to join us in our delegates’ conference.  We are particularly honoured to have Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as our Guest of Honour here today.

6. Our strong tripartite relationship has been carefully nurtured through many generations of leaders.  It is too precious an advantage for us to leave its continued existence to chance.  In January this year, the Singapore Tripartism Forum or STF was launched.  It is a unique partnership comprising the NTUC, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore National Employers’ Federation and the Singapore Business Federation.  The STF provides a platform to reinforce, deepen and expand the engagement between senior leaders from the government, employers and the labour movement.  As long as we can maintain the spirit of working out win-win outcomes, through both good and bad times, we can be optimistic that we will build a bright future in Singapore where all can work, live and play together.

7. Over the course of the next two days, we would be discussing about the key programmes that NTUC will work on for the next two years.  These key programmes will ensure that the labour movement continues to help working people earn a better living and live a better life. We look forward to your active participation and contribution.

8. However, the labour movement will not be what it is today without the contributions, sacrifices and commitment of numerous union leaders.  At this conference, we will elect a new Central Committee for the next four years.  It is only fitting that we remember those who have passed on – Brother Nithiah Nandan and Brother Swithun Lowe and several comrades who have served in our unions.  They have dedicated their lives to helping workers.  May I invite all of you to rise, and join me in observing a minute’s silence in remembrance.

9. Some of our comrades in the Central Committee will also be stepping down after many years of contributions.  I would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to them – Brother Victor Pang, Brother Thomas Thomas, Brother Eddie Chew and Brother Mathias Yao.  Even though they will no longer be Central Committee members, I am sure that they will continue to leverage on their vast experience to contribute to the labour movement and the benefit of workers.

On this note, I wish everyone a fruitful conference.

Thank you.
