Model ID: 618047a0-6912-4157-b335-d8350c850ab7 Sitecore Context Id: 618047a0-6912-4157-b335-d8350c850ab7;

OTCi promotes Professionalsim and Know-how in Industrial Relations through Inaugural HR WSQ

Unions and companies pledge strong support for HR WSQ (IR) which brings industrial relations expertise for the first time to line managers and supervisors
Model ID: 618047a0-6912-4157-b335-d8350c850ab7 Sitecore Context Id: 618047a0-6912-4157-b335-d8350c850ab7;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 618047a0-6912-4157-b335-d8350c850ab7 Sitecore Context Id: 618047a0-6912-4157-b335-d8350c850ab7;

07 Jul 2010

The days of labour unrest and industrial strikes are a distant past in Singapore's history. We have come a long way from the time when our fledgling nation grappled with problems such as shortage of jobs, indecent work conditions, unfair employment practices and industrial strife. But this does not mean that good labour-management relations is a given and can be taken for granted. A harmonious industrial climate is the hallmark of Singapore’s economy, a competitive advantage that underpins our economic success.  Hence, over the years, the work of resolving workplace disputes and nurturing trust and respect in labour-management relations has been carefully tended to.  

These efforts at keeping bipartite and tripartite relations on an even keel will get a shot in the arm when the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTC Institute) – the leadership training and development hub of the Labour Movement – rolls out the Human Resource Workforce Skills Qualifications in Industrial Relations, HR WSQ (IR), for HR practitioners, line managers and supervisors. This is the first time such a programme, dedicated to industrial relations, is being offered under the HR WSQ framework, and OTC Institute is the first and only training provider to do so, in line with its mandate of advancing the practice of good industrial relations.

More significantly, under the HR WSQ (IR), industrial relations know-how will be cascaded for the first time to line managers and supervisors, i.e. delivered directly to the shop floor, thus broadening its reach beyond the traditional target group of HR practitioners. Explaining this strategy, Director OTC Institute, Mr S Thiagarajan, said, “Line managers and supervisors are the first ones in the know when grievances and disputes crop up. By virtue of their day-to-day interactions with union leaders and workers on the shop floor, they are at the forefront when issues surface. It is therefore crucial that they be equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle such issues in a professional and even-handed manner. This will allow problems to be nipped in the bud, so that grievances do not fester and disputes do not escalate to the point where they threaten labour-management relations and hinder business operations.”

Welcoming OTC Institute’s move to strengthen trust and understanding between labour and management across the ranks with a structured training framework and certification, the tripartite partners have given strong support to the HR WSQ (IR) programme.

Firstly, 10 of the largest unions across the industrial and services sectors have pledged to engage the companies they represent to adopt the HR WSQ (IR) training for their employees. These are the Building Construction and Timber Industries Employees’ Union (BATU), Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU), Food, Drinks and Allied Workers’ Union (FDAWU), Education Services Union (ESU), Healthcare Services Employees’ Union (HSEU), National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU), Singapore Industrial and Services Employees’ Union (SISEU), Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’ Union (SMEEU), Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers’ Union (SMMWU) and United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries (UWEEI).  

Secondly, two house unions, the PUB Employees’ Union (PUBEU) and the Housing and Development Board Staff Union (HDBSU), have secured the commitment of their respective companies, PUB and HDB, to embark on the HR WSQ (IR) training. So have ESU with NTUC First Campus; HSEU with Jurong Health Services Pte Ltd and National University Hospital; and NTWU with SMRT Corporation Ltd.

And thirdly, prominent players in the field of continuing training and development, namely NTUC LearningHub (LHub), NTUC’s SEED Institute and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) have pledged to collaborate with OTC Institute to jointly market the HR WSQ (IR) programme.

These various commitments were sealed in respective Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) signed today at the official launch of the HR WSQ (IR) at NTUC Centre. Some 70 representatives from the unions, companies, training providers, Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and SNEF witnessed the signing of the MOUs, with NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Mr Heng Chee How as the Guest of Honour.      

Mr Ong Yen Her, Divisional Director, Labour Relations and Workplaces Division, MOM, said, “The launch of the HR WSQ (IR) is another good example of tripartism in action, with the tripartite partners fully lending their support to better equip our HR professionals with the skills to build progressive workplaces and put in place enlightened HR practices. MOM encourages both employers and HR practitioners to give support to the programmes so that the level of competency of our HR professionals could be further enhanced".

Mr Koh Juan Kiat, Executive Director of SNEF, said, "HR WSQ (IR) is one of the tracks in the HR WSQ Framework. It provides a good avenue for HR practitioners to sharpen their skills in IR to improve labour-management relations at the workplace. SNEF is pleased to support OTCi in launching the program.”

Together, the 10 industrial and services unions and two house unions represent some 895 companies, which amount to almost 90% of the 1000 unionised companies in Singapore. In addition, the largest public sector union, the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) and the Public Services Division are working on an agreement to support the programme.

On a yearly basis, some 250 to 300 employees will go through the training. OTC Institute targets for at least 50% of the unionised companies to have IR-trained practitioners over the next five years, and eventually for the programme to reach all the unionised companies.

The HR WSQ (IR) consists of four modules designed by OTC Institute with inputs from the tripartite partners. These are: “Supporting Industrial Relations” (Level 3), “Resolving Grievances and Disputes” (Level 4), “Promoting Harmonious Tripartite Relations” (Level 5), “Developing Organisational Response to National Manpower Initiatives and Strategic Priorities” (Level 5). (Please see Annex A for details on each module). A fifth module on labour laws is being developed. Each module consists of a two-day course and one hour assessment on a separate day. Trainees will receive a Statement of Attainment issued by WDA upon successful completion of each module. Those who successfully complete the first three modules, which are compulsory, will be awarded the WSQ Certified HR Professional (Industrial Relations) qualification.   

Veterans steeped in industrial relations practice will bring the modules to live through their first-hand knowledge and experience gleaned from handling real-life cases. This will give the programme a practical bent, with modules customised in some cases to meet the needs of individual companies or industries. The trainers will come from NTUC, MOM and SNEF.      

The fee for each module is $600 (excl GST) per participant. Companies can tap on SPUR funding to cover up to a maximum of 90% of the fee. Union members are eligible for Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) funding to cover the shortfall. Unionised companies need pay only $45 after NETF-SPUR funding. In addition, all companies are eligible for absentee payroll support under SPUR.    


Issued by:

Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute
