Model ID: b61f45c9-45c4-40f8-8ef5-e27a03bcc0ea Sitecore Context Id: b61f45c9-45c4-40f8-8ef5-e27a03bcc0ea;

OTCi Leadership Training Directory 2019

The key outcomes the LM want to achieve for our working people in the coming years are better Wages, Work Prospects & Welfare. In order to do that, our union leaders need to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge; this will be the key focus of the training programmes offered at OTCi.
Model ID: b61f45c9-45c4-40f8-8ef5-e27a03bcc0ea Sitecore Context Id: b61f45c9-45c4-40f8-8ef5-e27a03bcc0ea;
29 Jan 2019
Model ID: b61f45c9-45c4-40f8-8ef5-e27a03bcc0ea Sitecore Context Id: b61f45c9-45c4-40f8-8ef5-e27a03bcc0ea;

Leadership Competency Training


OTCi’s Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Certificates in Industrial Relations (IR), and Diploma in Employment Relations (DER) have been the mainstay of IR training for our union leaders for many years. These certifications are attained in a progressive and linear structure. Although the contents are essential and robust, it does not provide flexibility, in terms of structure and choice of content. As such, we have re-packaged our offerings to provide the following advantages:

Flexible Choices — for Efficient Learning

Union leaders now have the freedom to choose the modules that they would like to attend, at their convenience. The flexbility provided allows for just-in-time learning for our leaders and encouraging them to take greater ownership of their learning. This supports a continued updating and upgrading of skills and knowledge, essential for effective union leadership.

Stackable Content — for Effective Learning

By making our certificate series stackable, it creates a series of ascending credentials that allow our union leaders to progress from one level of certification to the next with no duplication in learning. Moving forward, our leaders can also accumulate credits from OTCi courses and apply the credits towards earning higher qualifications with other institutions / professional bodies.

Commutable Certifications — for Recognised Learning

OTCi certifications now have the added advantage of being commutable. The IR modules our leaders take can now add up in various combinations to contribute towards a skills-based certificate, recognised by the Institute for Human Resources Professionals (IHRP) and/or Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Leaders also have the option to pursue an academic-based certification, through our joint Diploma in Employment Development (DED) with the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). The DED is now a credit unit-earning programme and the credit units earned can be utilised for credit waiver at degree programmes offered by the SUSS.

Click here: or visit OTCi Portal for the full OTCi Leadership Training Directory 2019.

Course dates are accurate as of date of release.
The Institute reserves the right to amend course dates, subject to minimum class size.

For enquiries, kindly email
