Model ID: d38865f9-7610-4438-99ca-2589602e5cd5 Sitecore Context Id: d38865f9-7610-4438-99ca-2589602e5cd5;

Nomination of MS Cham Hui Fong from the Labour Movement as Nominated Member of Parliament

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is proud that Ms Cham Hui Fong, Director of Industrial Relations Department in NTUC and Executive Secretary of the Chemical Industries Employees Union (CIEU),
Model ID: d38865f9-7610-4438-99ca-2589602e5cd5 Sitecore Context Id: d38865f9-7610-4438-99ca-2589602e5cd5;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: d38865f9-7610-4438-99ca-2589602e5cd5 Sitecore Context Id: d38865f9-7610-4438-99ca-2589602e5cd5;

Nomination of MS Cham Hui Fong from the Labour Movement as Nominated Member of Parliament

12 January 2007

Press Statement

1 The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) is proud that Ms Cham Hui Fong, Director of Industrial Relations Department in NTUC and Executive Secretary of the Chemical Industries Employees’ Union (CIEU), has been nominated by the Special Select Committee for appointment by the President of Singapore as a Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) for the new term 2007-2009.  Ms Cham is the seventh representative  (and the first female representative) from the Labour Movement since 1992 to be made NMP.

2 NTUC nominated Ms Cham for the NMP appointment following close consultations and deliberations by a nominations committee headed by Mr John De Payva, President of NTUC.  The committee’s nomination was then put to the NTUC Central Committee for its approval on 4 December 2006.  The Labour Movement is confident that Ms Cham will continue to speak up for the interests of workers and Singaporeans over a wide range of issues as previous NMPs from the Labour Movement did.

3 Ms Cham joined the Labour Movement 16 years ago in April 1991 as an NTUC Industrial Relations Officer posted to the Metal Industries Workers’ Union.  In addition to her stint with NTUC’s Planning and Research Department and Industrial Relations Department, she has also held the Executive Secretary portfolio in other unions like the National University Hospital Employees’ Union, Healthcare Corporation Singapore Staff Union, DBS Staff Union and currently, CIEU, over the years. 

4 As a caring, approachable and committed unionist, Ms Cham has worked closely with union leaders and colleagues on the ground to help workers cope with challenges at the workplace and to forge strong industrial relations with companies.  She has also developed a keen sense of how the various industries and the economy have performed, allowing her to better help workers understand and prepare for the needs of a changing economy.

5 Ms Cham’s current role as Director of Industrial Relations Department in NTUC has seen her participating in many of the tripartite committees confronting issues like wage restructuring (under the National Wages Council) and employment and re-employment of mature workers.  Her involvement in these tripartite committees has given her opportunities to implement some of the proposed measures and policies effectively at the unionised companies.

6 In February 2003, Ms Cham was seconded to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) as Assistant Director (Special Duties).  The secondment has given her a better understanding and appreciation of the Tripartism model in Singapore and how manpower policies work in support of Singapore’s labour force and its contributions to the economy.

7 Ms Cham’s sincerity, generosity, pleasant personality and strong leadership have won her the respect of workers, union leaders, employers, government officials and colleagues.  Her ability to grasp complex issues and translate them into the simplest form for workers’ understanding also showed her acumen and versatility.

8 As an NMP, Ms Cham can be expected to speak up for workers and for Singaporeans on issues that affect their employment and livelihood.  With the onslaught of globalisation on our economy and society, she has particular concerns and interests in the plight of older workers and contract workers.

9 We strongly believe that Ms Cham will serve the workers and Singaporeans to her best ability as an NMP.

John De Payva
National Trades Union Congress



