New one-stop centre for migrant workers
26 April 2009
Media Release
1 The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) Migrant Workers Forum has set up a new Migrant Workers Centre (MWC) to provide one-stop advice and assistance on employment-related matters for Singapore’s foreign worker community. The MWC is supported by both the Labour Movement and the employers’ federation. The six-member Migrant Workers Forum, comprising union and employer representatives provides guidance to the Centre. (Details on the composition of the panel can be found in Annex A)
2 The Centre will advise workers on their employment rights, and assist in bringing their cases to the Ministry of Manpower for conciliation, investigations and other services, where needed. The MWC will also provide interim humanitarian assistance such as food and housing to foreign workers who have been left in the lurch by their employers, while the Ministry pursues the workers’ claims. The Centre plans to conduct programmes such as conversational English classes for foreign workers, social and recreational activities as well as reach out to foreign workers to better understand their needs.
3 Participants at the launch of the MWC, including foreign workers, enjoyed a carnival, sports festival and a bazaar. They also received a pocket-sized card, containing the contact details of the Ministry of Manpower and various non-Governmental organisations (NGOs) working on migrant worker issues, including the MWC.
4 Speaking at the opening ceremony, Chairman of the MWC, Mr Yeo Guat Kwang said, “This downturn has made it even more relevant and important to have a centre like the Migrant Workers Centre, to help migrant workers affected by salary arrears, unacceptable housing and other problems.” He added that the MWC has already begun providing humanitarian assistance to foreign workers referred to them by MOM and other NGOs.
5 Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Manpower and Health, Mr Hawazi Daipi, who officiated at the launch, commented “I applaud the move by the NTUC and SNEF to set up the Migrant Workers Centre, which has the full support of both the workers and employers. I hope to see it become an important player in the migrant worker NGO scene to look into the welfare of migrant workers in Singapore. The Manpower Ministry looks forward to close cooperation with the Centre.”
Annex A