Model ID: 3b828589-3695-44c4-bcae-13c9e769e793 Sitecore Context Id: 3b828589-3695-44c4-bcae-13c9e769e793;

New Water Academy Announced

A newly-announced Water Academy is about to change things in the water sector – workers will now have a place to pick up skills and knowledge to bring them into the future.
Model ID: 3b828589-3695-44c4-bcae-13c9e769e793 Sitecore Context Id: 3b828589-3695-44c4-bcae-13c9e769e793;
By Jonathan Tan 25 Jul 2016
Model ID: 3b828589-3695-44c4-bcae-13c9e769e793 Sitecore Context Id: 3b828589-3695-44c4-bcae-13c9e769e793;

Over the years, Singapore has built up a global brand name in sustainable water management and as a provider of water solution. Things are not stopping there – there’s now a Water Academy to further drive the sector into the future.

"The water sector is brimming with exciting prospects, and as we continue to work with the industry to focus on strategic areas for the next phase of growth, we will build on these achievements, and cement Singapore's status as a leading global hydrohub," said Public Utilities Board (PUB) Chief Executive Ng Joo Hee.

In line with that, the PUB announced the setting up of the Singapore Water Academy at the sidelines of the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW).

Besides catering to the specific development and training needs of the organisation’s staff, Mr Ng shared that the Singapore Water Academy will have programmes that will serve the needs of water services professionals both locally and internationally.

“Ultimately, our aim is to guarantee that everyone who comes through the portals of the Singapore Water Academy will acquire the skills, competencies and proficiencies he requires to do a good job,” he said.

Welcoming the prospect of better training and upgrading for staff, Public Utilities Board Employees’ Union (PUBEU) General Secretary Shafari Baharawi said: “PUBEU has always worked with management to encourage our members to go for training. We are supportive of the setup of the Singapore Water Academy, as this means more concerted efforts in building up the skills and preparing our members for the future.”

Singapore’s water industry is set to receive a $200 million boost from the Government over the next five years, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize awards ceremony on 11 July 2016.

The funding comes under the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2020 Plan, in which the water sector is part of the Urban Solutions and Sustainability domain, and will be channelled into the areas of research, development and commercialisation of water technologies, and talent development.

The sector currently employs some 14,000 professionals, managers, executives and technicians, and contributes more than $2 billion to Singapore’s economy. With the funding, the water sector looks set to have 15,000 jobs by 2020.

To find out more about the training programme and opportunities available at the Singapore Water
Academy, visit