NTUC and Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) have struck up a new partnership to reach out to working Singaporeans through digital media and events.
Both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 2 July 2016 with the aim of helping workers in the areas of employability and skills upgrading.
One recent example was the Future Leaders Summit – an event co-organised by NTUC and SPH.
At a closed-door dialogue session with participants, NTUC Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing shared personal anecdotes on coping with challenges, responded to concerns raised and also highlighted the Labour Movement’s eff orts to help working Singaporeans.
“NTUC, the Labour Movement, we are here to partner you, to enable you to succeed. Our job is to make sure that the working people of Singapore can continue to grow and thrive.
“We are not just the unions, neither are we just the U Associates, the U SMEs, and the freelancers. We are all these and more. Our primary mission has never changed: which is to uplift the lives of all Singaporeans. If there is any point in time where NTUC can partner you to create value for yourself or your employees, let us know and we’ll walk the journey with you,” he said.