Model ID: 6b0d0165-3a39-4583-91ab-bb66c6a77dcd Sitecore Context Id: 6b0d0165-3a39-4583-91ab-bb66c6a77dcd;

New Initiative to Make Hotel Industry Lean

The Lean Hotel Initiative is set to transform the hotel industry by driving up productivity and cutting down on the reliance for manpower.
Model ID: 6b0d0165-3a39-4583-91ab-bb66c6a77dcd Sitecore Context Id: 6b0d0165-3a39-4583-91ab-bb66c6a77dcd;
By Ramesh Subbaraman 03 Apr 2017
Model ID: 6b0d0165-3a39-4583-91ab-bb66c6a77dcd Sitecore Context Id: 6b0d0165-3a39-4583-91ab-bb66c6a77dcd;

Staying manpower-lean, improving productivity so that workers enjoy the benefits of their company’s growth – these are the objectives of the Lean Hotel Initiative launched by Minister of State for Manpower (MOS) Teo Ser Luck on 22 March 2017.

A total of 16 hotels will be taking part in the initiative, which will start in April 2017 and overseen by Workforce Singapore (WSG).

Both the Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union (FDAWU) and the Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU) have given their full support to the Lean Hotel Initiative.

The Rationale

The hotel sector is an important contributor to the Singapore economy, employing nearly 33,000 workers.

With technology driving change, it has become even more critical for the hotel industry to improve its productivity and not let manpower become the bottleneck says MOS Teo.

He adds that the tripartite partners have a role to play in providing suggestions to make improvements at the workplace especially in redesigning jobs to help workers improve their skillsets and earn higher wages.

Executive Secretary of AREU and NTUC Director Industry Transformation and Productivity Desmond Choo says the initiative is timely.

“The first step of productivity improvements is a workforce capable of diagnosing bottlenecks and implementing lean solutions. This creates deep impact and ultimately can result in better jobs for our aging workforce in the hospitality sector”, stressed Mr Choo.

Added FDAWU’s General Secretary Tan Hock Soon: “In order to be manpower-lean, the only way is skills upgrading so that workers will be more productive at the workplace and have a more meaningful job. The union supports the process of job redesign.”

The LHI Initiative

WSG said the Lean Hotel Initiative supports the implementation of the Hotel Industry Transformation Map (ITM) launched in November 2016.

The initiative is a four month programme during which the 16 hotels will identify gaps and challenges, decide their goals, and then design and develop 'lean' strategies.

They will then move on to test-proof their concepts through pilot projects in their hotels.
FDAWU emphasised that workers must realise that they face the danger of being left behind if they do not improve their skillsets.

“We have to go right to the ground so that everybody understands and participates in the industry transformation. We can come up with a very beautiful Industry Transformation Map but if the participation rate is not there, then it doesn’t serve the workers. So our job is to rally the workers behind all these initiatives for which we are in a very good position as a labour leader so that the industry can be transformed and bring about better jobs and a better remuneration package for everyone,” said Mr Tan.

WSG is supporting the Lean Hotel Initiative by defraying the cost of the programme and says it will be reaching other hotels to come on board the programme.

Hotels can contact WSG for more details at

Source: NTUC This Week