Compiled by the NTUC This Week team
“I really feel very humbled to be nominated by union leaders into the NTUC Central Committee. Now that I am in the CC, I hope that I can do more for the Flow On leaders so that they can see more financial stability even after they have flowed on. Being the Chairperson of Young NTUC, I also want to represent the voices of the youths and bring their concerns to the table so as to better address their needs, and this includes the young PMEs (Professionals, Managers and Executives) as well.” Benjamin Tang, NTUC Central Committee Member and Port Officers’ Union (POU) President |
"Being elected to the NTUC Central Committee is a great honour. It's a privilege to be able to serve the Labour Movement at the national level and to contribute and build on the strong and constructive brand of tripartism that is uniquely Singapore." Arasu Duraisamy, NTUC Central Committee Member and Singapore Port Workers’ Union (SPWU) Second Deputy General Secretary |
“It is a great honour to be nominated as a candidate by SMMWU’s Secretary-General Brother John De Payva and the council members to be part of the NTUC Central Committee. Being one of the youngest members of the CC, I will learn from and tap on the wisdom of the senior members and also the Flow On leaders whose experience, I’m sure, will guide me far. “Moving forward, I will like to see more PMEs being represented so that collectively we can have a stronger voice. Also, as Singapore becomes more mature, the workforce is also getting older. We will see more senior workers working and thus they must not be forgotten as well. They must be represented and there must be a voice to raise their concerns at the CC level.” Andy Lim, NTUC Central Committee Member and The Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers’ Union (SMMWU) President |
"I have been a union leader for more than 25 years. It's all about passion to serve and now I am given a bigger opportunity to serve all our sisters and brothers by being a part of the NTUC Central Committee. I am very delighted and honoured for all the support and am looking forward in working together to make our Singapore a better place to work, play and live in." Francis Lim, NTUC Central Committee Member and United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries (UWEEI) President |
“It is great honour to be part of the NTUC CC. I am humbled by the opportunity to serve the Labour Movement at the higher level. I thank my Flow On President Brother Abdullah for his guidance and support and all brothers and sisters for giving me the opportunity. I would also like to thank my other mentors for past 13 years, especially Brother Ma Wei Cheng, Brother Lim Kuang Beng, Sister Josephine Teo and many more. I hope my involvement in the CC would inspire other younger unionists to come forward and continue to serve the Labour Movement.” Hassan Abdullah, NTUC Central Committee Member and Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU) President |
“I am privileged and honoured to be elected to serve on the new NTUC CC. I see it as a service to the workers in Singapore, in which a vision has been expressed by the union delegates at the recently concluded NTUC Delegates Conference, the Labour Movement 2015. I see the vision as one in which the Labour Movement should be stronger, both numerically, and in terms of strong support from its members, and in leadership both in vibrancy on the one hand, and skill, knowledge and experience on the other. “In wanting better jobs for all, the Labour Movement will demand not just from employers better gain sharing but also the best possible practicable policies relating to social issues affecting the lives of workers, especially the low-wage low-skill ones. In order to achieve its objectives, the Labour Movement strongly supports that tripartism in Singapore, which has been tried and tested, is our best way forward. Together, we have the best chance of success. I look forward to contributing towards the vision of LM2015 in the new CC.” Ma Wei Cheng, NTUC Central Committee Member and Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) General Secretary |
“I would like to thank our sisters and brothers for your heartwarming support at the National Delegates Conference. I hope to contribute to a robust discussion and debate with my peers in the CC, and together, increase the visibility of what NTUC and its affiliates are doing for our workers. “As the global economic horizon ahead is uncertain and going to be challenging, I’m very concerned about its impact on the workers of Singapore, especially the more vulnerable lower-income workers, the elderly, and also the women. “I hope to be able to serve them in my new capacity as a member of the new Central Committee and hope to see wages of the lower-income workers improve in Singapore so that they have less financial struggle. Likewise, I hope to advocate more flexi-work arrangements and parent-care leave that permits our workers the opportunity to take care of their elderly family members, and that these be actively implemented in both the public and private employment sectors. This will assist our sisters in promoting the good work that they began in Women’s Development Secretariat.” Mary Liew, NTUC Central Committee Member and Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU) Executive Secretary |
“I feel honoured to be elected into the NTUC Central Committee but at the same time humbled by the support shown. As a Flow Up leader, the pressure is on us to prove our credibility. Moving forward, the status of PMEs (Professionals, Managers and Executives) and the plight of low-wage workers are important. The PMEs are going to be an integral part of our workforce. A lot more has to be done to attract them into the membership fold. Wider workplace representation is a crucial magnetic effect. “Outsourcing has affected the wages of our workers at the bottom 20 percentile. It is a national issue that needs to be addressed by all the tripartite partners. As a unionist, we have to urge companies to continue to send workers for up-skilling and raise productivity which would result in real wage increases.” Mohd Rasi Taib, NTUC Central Committee Member and National Transport Workers’ Union President |
"It's been a humbling experience, a privilege and honour for this opportunity to serve the Labour Movement in the CC. I am grateful to our Flow On leaders for their invaluable contributions and guidance. I would also like to thank our sisters and brothers for their support and encouragement during the election. With the support of all the brothers and sisters, I will do my best to serve all workers and bring the Labour Movement to greater heights." Ong Hwee Liang, NTUC Central Committee Member and SIA Engineering Company Engineers and Executives Union (SEEU) General Secretary |
"After so many years of involvement in the Labour Movement and with the current global uncertainty, the future of the LM can be challenging. As a CC member, I will try to the best of my ability to contribute at the national level." Toh Hock Poh, NTUC Central Committee Member and Metal Industries Workers' Union President |