Released on 29 May 2015, the National Wages Council (NWC) recommendations focus on helping low-wage workers and giving productivity a boost.
The National Wages Council:
* Strongly urges firms to move towards productivity-driven growth rather than employment-driven growth.
* Welcomes the efforts by the Government to invest in the re-skilling and upgrading of the workforce through SkillsFuture.
* Taking into account the economic forecast, the NWC recommends that:
a) Employers consider the prevailing economic and labour market conditions in giving wage increases;
b) Employers give built-in wage increases to workers, taking into account the firms’ business performance, prospects and sustainability; and
c) Employers that do well should further reward employees with variable wage components where appropriate, in line with the firms’ performance and workers’ contributions.
* To help low-wage workers, the NWC recommends that:
a) Employers grant low-wage workers a built-in wage increase in the form of a dollar quantum and a percentage. This will give the low-wage workers in the firm a higher percentage built-in wage increase;
b) Employers to grant a built-in wage increase of at least $60 for low-wage workers earning a basic monthly salary of up to $1,100; and
c) Employers to grant an equitable and reasonable wage increase and/or one-off lump sum based on skills and productivity for low-wage workers earning above $1,100.
Read Also:
- National Wages Council (NWC) Guidelines 2015/2016
- NTUC Response to NWC Guidelines
- Government Response to NWC Guidelines
- Singapore National Employers Federation Response to NWC Guidelines
- Singapore-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce's Statement
- Meet NWC's New Chairman
- Looking After The Workforce