This evening, the Land Transport Authority’s (LTA) announced that The Go-Ahead Group Plc (Go-Ahead) has been awarded the second tendered bus service package successfully. As the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) welcomes Go-Ahead as a new player of this industry, we urge Go-Ahead to recognise the Union as soon as possible.
Prior to submitting its tender, Go-Ahead and NTWU were engaged in a few rounds of active discussions to help the company deepen its understanding of the tripartite framework in Singapore. The engagement sessions also allow Go-Ahead the opportunity to understand how the Union and the company can work together effectively to resolve any issues related to the workers. The Union believes that a strong sectoral tripartite relationship plays a paramount role in the smooth implementation of the bus contracting model, and that the model will be mutually beneficial to all stakeholders.
Our main focus remains in protecting the welfare of our members and workers. The key concerns raised by our bus captains and technicians remain the same, in the areas of employment rights, job security and welfare. NTWU is pleased to note that in the contract with Go-Ahead, below three key assurances have been included:
NTWU’s Bus Contracting Transition Committee is committed to work closely with both outgoing and incoming operators to ensure that there is a smooth transition for affected workers. The new Loyang Bus Depot will be handed over to Go-Ahead in December 2015, while the 25 bus services will be placed on the bus contracting regime from the third quarter of 2016. In view of the tight timeline, NTWU would like to have close discussions with Go-Ahead soonest on matters concerning the affected workers.
NTWU looks forward to working with Go-Ahead to ensure that the affected workers’ welfares are well taken care of; and to continue to build and sustain a strong Singaporean Core in the transport industry.
Mr Ong Chin Ang
Executive Secretary
National Transport Workers’ Union